View Full Version : skin cancer

celia davies
25-01-09, 13:47
the past yr an half iv had a little patch of skin that tingles at first it was jst a little scab so i picked it off then there was a tany spot it still keeps tingling has done 4 about a yr i asked the doc wat it was but id picked it off so couldnt really c wat it was im really scared now thinkin its skin cancer but this has been happenin a yr an a bit jst after i had my son im soooo sacred now worryin its skin cancer help me pls

celia davies
25-01-09, 13:49
its on the top of my back

25-01-09, 14:45
There is a very useful guide about skin cancers
Look at the area - measure it.
Look at the border - is it waggly edged
Look at the colour - what colour is it.
Look at the diameter - what size is it.

Now mark the size on a piece of paper, draw it , colour it and then the diameter make a note of all these things. Put the bit of paper away for 3 days. Get it out and get someone else to look as well.
If the area has spread by half again, if the border has changed and is raised, if the colour has increased by twice, and if the diameter is now more that 5mm. See a Dr. If not - it is probably a mole or a freckle!

celia davies
25-01-09, 17:24
its not a mole its like a spot its been there about a yr an wont seem 2 heal its jst worrying because how long its been there an also the tingling sensation thats in my back i would probably 4 get about it if it wasnt 4 the tingling an thank u