View Full Version : Miserable

25-01-09, 19:18
I just have to ask, is anyone out there suffering like I am? I get up with anxiety and I feel like crap all day and go to bed with this crap too. I don't even want to go out of my house because of the way I feel. I just walk around all day checking my e-mail or playing a game or trying to clean sometimes and function but it's very hard. It's like I'm walking on eggshells all day. I haven't saw any post from anyone that sound like this. I don't think anyone else is like this. I must have something other than anxiety. I don't understand how I can keep going like this day in and day out. Do you finally lose your mind or die? Do people die because of this? How can my body feel like this every day and keep functioning w/o hurting my body. Anyone else feel like this?:scared10:

tanya 1
25-01-09, 19:35
hi jhz,how long have you been feeling like this ? with my anxiety i have good days and bad days,i always try to think ok tomorrows another day and try to start fresh,and no i have never heard of anyone loosing their mind or dying because of anxiety,when i first started having anxiety and panic attacks i felt like i was going to loose my mind or die but that was just fear,ive now excepted that theres nothing phisically wrong with me i just worry too much.
hope this helps ?
tanya 1 x

sarah peacock
25-01-09, 19:53
I feel like this 2, i hav good days and bad days, some days i want to hide away and other days i feel great. its normal to feel this way. u are not going mad. keep your chin up xxx

25-01-09, 21:09
I felt at times I was losing my mind and didnt want to do anything I went to my doctor who didnt understand and was of limited help he put me on meds,
It took me a while to work my way through and I kept going as best as I could its only when I look back to see how far Ive come and it has got better so dont give up hope it will get better and I still have some low days but I know they will pass

26-01-09, 05:24
Thanks to all for the reply. I think I obsess on the bad feelings I'm having in my body and it just goes on all day and keeps me anxious and makes me feel worse. Fear is such an awful thing!! Need to learn not to fear. Hope we all get better soon.

Kay :wacko:

26-01-09, 05:31
Wanted to add this. Many years ago I started having this thing happen with my eyes. I would lose my peripheral vision and then see wavy lights right before my sight went back to normal. Of course I thought it could only be a brain tumor!!! I started having them daily. I went to the eye Dr. and found it was opthalmic migrains. I went from having them daily to not having any for another 8 - 10 years. What does this tell you about fear and your mind??????? I just don't know why I can't make my mind understand this now.

Hugs all,

06-02-09, 05:25
hi jhz,

Your problem seems unusual for people with anxiety. I read Joyce Meyer(?) 's book called "The battle belongs to God". There, I read one case like you.

You need to overcome the fear. You may thnk the source of the fear (your childhood memory, or some distrustful person near you...or no reason you can come up with what so ever). They say if you figure out the source, it's better to solve the problem.

My experience was kind of different from you, although I was really uncomfortable in my office building. Still home is most comfortable place. You will have to overcome the fear of death. Although you don't understand it, I think the ultimate source of fear is the fear of death. So, once you stop worrying about your death, you will feel relieved. For me, I couldn't do it by myself...please check my previous posts how I have dealt with this.

If I were you, i would find somebody who accompany with you where you go. Doing something alone could be fearful at this stage, but probably with some one you can trust, you may find courage. But, for me, the most help I got was from Jesus, not people...although there were several incidents that very small kindness or a smile from a stranger sometimes felt like a touch from angel. What I want to try to say is that this is a spiritual battle...so you need to seek some spiritual help.

When you have some time, drop by some bookstore. You may find a good spiritual book giving you strengh to fight with fear and understanding of fear itself. Don't spend too much time googling on the internet, that may aggravate your fear rather than helping to reduce it.

I belive, if you ask (I mean 'pray', i can't think of anything else) the strength desperately, you will get it.

06-02-09, 06:41
I highly HIGHLY recommend you read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle... that book saved my life. I was in the behavioral health hospital and I was literally shaking with panic and depression, thinking there was no way out. Basically, I was at the lowest of lows. A man who was also in the ward gave me that book, I read the whole thing in 2 days. I truly believe that book has done more for me than ANY of the meds they had me on. It's the reason I am home today. I promise you, it's worth a shot. I helped me when I thought there was nothing that could.

06-02-09, 16:45
Hi Kay,

I often feel like you do and it is a deep dark place to be almost like a vicious circle. Have you been to see your doctor as it seems that not only are you suffering with anxiety but with depression too. Please make yourself an appointment as soon as you can.

Take care of yourself xxxx