View Full Version : Really worried..Sharp pain behind my left eye :(

sarah peacock
25-01-09, 19:22
HI everyone,
Ive been feeling really down now for the last few weeks. I am constantly worrying about my health..if its not one thing im worrying about then its another, it seems to be never ending. I have also been getting alot of shooting pains in my head over the last year, ive posted before about it but i never got any replies, but i've been trying not to worry about it as i just put it down to my anxiety, but yesterday out of the blue while i was sat at the computer i bent down to pick something up off the floor and got the most awful shooting pain through the left side of my head! I felt quite panicky about it but tried to tell myself it was just my anxiety and that i will be ok. Then later on before i went to bed i read some of my book well quite alot of my book and fell asleep on the sofa, and when i woke up i had the pain again only alot worse, this time i realised it wasnt in the side of my head but behind my eye the pain was so severe it sent me into a panic attack and also made me sick. My partner kept telling me it was just my anxiety and that i wasnt going to die but i really thought it was it for me, i really did! I got into bed and tried not to think about it but the pain wouldnt go away, now usually when i get the shooting pains in my head it only lasts for a split second but this pain was different. Finally i managed to get to sleep and woke up this morning feeling really anxious and have felt anxious for most of the day, i have been trying to think rationally about it all and i thought maybe it's because i read so much and that maybe i have strained my eyes or something but i just dont know. i cant stop thinkingabout it and keep waiting for it to happen again! Please does anyone have any idea of what it could be, i lost my grandad the other year through an anurysum and i keep thinking maybe i have the same thing. sorry i know i have gone on abit but im sick to death of worrying all the time.

25-01-09, 19:28

try not to worry! go and get your eyes tested! it maybe nothing and u r worrying ya self sick! try to look at the obvious before thinking badly of it! i know its hard but its the trick of the brain hey! :)

25-01-09, 20:16

Good advice from poster above - go to the Opticians tomorrow and get your eyes tested and tell her everything that happened
While I am all for putting things down to anxiety I know from experience that until you have it checked and your told you are ok life can be unbearable with worry
Let us know how you get on


26-01-09, 02:56
Isnt that just a classic migrane?

26-01-09, 04:38
it actually sounds like sinuses to me. I was told classic sinus symptoms occure when a person moves their head or bends down. But, Id be lying if I said I didnt know why you would assume it was something horrible. Anything in the head freaks me out... but in all honesty, it sounds like sinuses to me.

26-01-09, 08:55
as the others have said u should go to the optician - its a quick way of getting some reassurance that you are fine. I went for an eye exam on friday and although my right eye still has the same problems I know that its nothing to worry about. You said you'd read a lot before hand so it is probably eye strain. I know my right eye plays up when I've spent ages on the computer (trying to self diagnose!). Maybe try and rest your eyes for a few days and see if this helps. If you have an MP3 player try listening to some soothing music with your eyes shut instead of reading or going online (should maybe take my own advice haha!)

sarah peacock
28-01-09, 23:36
Aww thank u guys for all of your advice. i think i will make an appointment with the optician.asap things havent been too bad over the last couple of days but i would still rather get it checked out. better b safe than sorry eh! thnx again xxx

14-09-11, 18:53
Could you please share what the outcome was. I have been experiencing the same, for years now, but it happened so seldom, I didn't panic. It's started to last longer now and come more frequently.

06-09-20, 20:33
Any update ?