View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer???

25-01-09, 19:23

I've been suffering with a HA since Aug 06 when my nan died. Always been a slight hyperchondriac but my nans death was the trigger for the full blown HA.

Although I've had many symptoms, of course all my head life threatening I still can't seem to shake the anxiety when I get a new physical symptom.

At the minute I keep getting heartburn and indigestion, think its acid indigestion but don't wanna look it up just incase I find something else!
I also have a problem that I need a wee frequently, or how I see as frequently. When I go its always a substantial amount though but I obsess about it so much I seem to feel like I go all the time.

Well what I'm trying to say is that I think I have ovarian cancer.... There you go I've said it http://healthanxietry.brightforums.com/images/smiles/icon_sad.gif

Am I being silly or do I need to go the docs? I did get back pains and pelvic pains before and the doctor felt my stomach and gave me an internal and said she couldn't feel anything. Is that enough to check??

Sorry this has been long, suppose I just need someone who isn't going to fob me off and put it in perspective for me please. Can't talk to family and friends as then its just Leanne just being 'Leanne' again and they just switch off...



25-01-09, 20:50
Have you been tested for diabetes?

26-01-09, 21:05

Not been tested for diabetes. What are the symptoms? I daren't look :blush:

I am not thirsty that often, actually i don't drink hardly anything to be honest - know i should!

Leanne x

26-01-09, 21:26
Hi, the symptoms of diabetes depends somewhat on the type Type 1 are very sudden including weight loss, thirst, urinating lots, extreme tiredness..these symptoms come on very quickly and usually at a young age. Type 2 diabetes tends to go unoticed for a long time , it has similar symptoms but not as pronounced (it has a strong genetic link and link with obesity)...if you are worried your doc can test very easily for diabetes (and it may be worthwhile for peace of mind)

In regards to frequently needing to wee its quite a non-specific symptom...anxiety and nerves are a very common cause of this also, as well as side effects of medication and consumption of caffiene.

I gather you may have googled ovarian cancer (if your anything like me with my HA!!) and would have found out it tends to go without symtoms till late on, It would cause bloating in the abdominal region which the doctor would be able to feel is not normal.

27-01-09, 13:53

my HA also went full blown when i lost my grandma in oct 2007, so i know exactly how you feel,

i too have been through every cancer there is in the last 15 months
my latest one was ovarian cancer:blush: my gp felt my tummy and gave me an internal and she said she could not feel any lumps or bumps that shouldnt be there, she did also send me for a scan but she said she did this so as to put my mind at rest, not because she thought anything was wrong.

i hope this helps a little for you, my gp was sure that if anything had been wrong she would have felt it. you will be fine hun

pm me if you ever need to chat

27-01-09, 14:10
if your weeing a lot with pains in pelvis and back it could be a simple urine infection, go to your doctor and take a wee sample it will put your mind to rest:)

27-01-09, 15:08
i pee all the time too and its proper amounts of pee when I go not just a dribble. I had my urine tested for UTI but it was fine. Its probably just another wonderful anxiety symptom - something to do with with the body getting rid of waste in preparation for the fight or flight response. blooming pain though having to constantly go to the loo! I wouldnt even consider ovarian cancer due to excessive urination

27-01-09, 22:59
I fretted about this one, too - went to docs, he sent me for an internal ultrasound - so cool, I saw my own ovaries and womb and the nurse calculated the volume of my uterus - can you tell I'm a science teacher! Very very uncommon pre menopausal. Go to docs if you are still worried and say what you are worried about. Hope this reassures you - I still get the weird abdominal crampy pains al the time, but think it must just be me now.

11-03-09, 22:01

my HA also went full blown when i lost my grandma in oct 2007, so i know exactly how you feel,

i too have been through every cancer there is in the last 15 months
my latest one was ovarian cancer:blush: my gp felt my tummy and gave me an internal and she said she could not feel any lumps or bumps that shouldnt be there, she did also send me for a scan but she said she did this so as to put my mind at rest, not because she thought anything was wrong.

i hope this helps a little for you, my gp was sure that if anything had been wrong she would have felt it. you will be fine hun

pm me if you ever need to chat

Was your scan ok???