View Full Version : Strange Windrush Feeling

25-01-09, 20:04
I have suffered with panic for nearly 8 years now. The thing that triggers my panic is a strange windrush feeling that comes up from my chest into my throat and feels like it is going to stop me breathing. I have explained to my GP who is not concerned and says is panic. If I don't get this feeling I don't panic. I don't understand my I get this feeling out of the blue. I know I breath shallow when it happens, don't know whether it happens because I am tensing everything. Does anyone else suffer anything similar???

25-01-09, 20:09
Hi There
Does it feel like a sort of wave over you that starts and travels up? If so i get that dont know what it is but feels strange always forget to mention it to doctor.
Take care

26-01-09, 11:35
Not really a wave. Like a gush that starts in my upper chest then gushes up to my throat. Doctor no idea but hard to explain when not actually happening. Thanks for replying.

Hi There
Does it feel like a sort of wave over you that starts and travels up? If so i get that dont know what it is but feels strange always forget to mention it to doctor.
Take care

26-01-09, 13:01
Mine starts in my stomach and 'swishes' up through my chest. This is usually the start of my panic attack but I can sometimes hold the pa off by recognising the warning and diverting my attention, ringing someone, taking the dog out. Sometimes, but not always. Hope this helps, I certainly believe it is panic.

18-12-14, 11:04
i know this post was ages ago but this is what im getting no doctor or nobody knows what im on about accept it happens in 3 diffrent way the gush that you say ,a jerky kind of like breath stuck in chest/throat feeling i get a thump kind of feeling that can be in my throat or my chest too and also another one that really scares me that feels like a ripple of air through my chest makes it feel empty i hope i finally get answers cause im thinking everyday is my last its been 3 months and im exhausted from it i also feel drained from it emotionally and physcically im losing my mind because nobody can help me and nobody belives or understands me its kind of though my breathing dips aswell like its getting holded and i also have involtary breaths out doctors said they wont do anything until i take 2 weeks worth of meds to prove its not anxiety but im scared of the meds as i got hives

---------- Post added at 11:04 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ----------

also to note my panic attacks have stopped completly its just the feeling i get now and it happens all day when it wants sometimes i get a 5 hour break but other times its there and does not go away