View Full Version : weird feelings pver left temple areas anyone else?

25-01-09, 20:07
Hi Everyone
Dont know if anyone else gets this but for the last week ive been
getting a pain in the right temple area a bit like a headache when its nearly gone it can come and go and sometimes like its pulsating? Strange anyone else thanks for any ideas
Take care
Anne xx

sarah peacock
25-01-09, 20:12
i dont know if its the same thing but i get alot of shooting pains through my head and yesterday i had severe pain behind my left eye. x

25-01-09, 22:31
Hi There thanks for your reply cant say its shooting pains ive had them before on a scale od 1-10 (10 being painful) its a nimber 1 its more annoying than anything they only last a second but can have loads in a row .
Take care
Anne xx

26-01-09, 08:58
Hi Kilvosa, Yes, I've had that. I had it for about 6 weeks! WHAT FUN! With me, it was also pressing on the temple....it started on the left temple, and eventually went to the right. I thought for sure i had some kind of brain tumor or something, but nope, it was "nothing".... just STRESS AND ANXIETY! It was all muscular tension. So, that's prob. what it is for you too. I woudln't really worry about it, it will most likely subside.

Be well ..... Moonlightlady

26-01-09, 13:11
I get this often but much worse if I have been out in the cold/wind. I have fibromyalgia and I'm not sure whether it is that or not. Anyway, I don't worry about it now as I believe it is nerve ends or muscles being exposed to cold (in my case anyway)