View Full Version : hello from south glos.

25-01-09, 20:08
hello all, i'm frankie, age 32 with one child - a 7 year old son, i'm a full time mother & recently seperated from my partner of 6 years. i come to be here because last night i had my first panic attack in approx 5 years, and certainly my worst one in about 8 years :meh: as such i'm currently feeling pretty terrified because the anxiety disorder that i thought i had worked my way through and got rid of very suddenly returned. i guess i got complacent and stopped being alert for signs, because now when i look back over the last few months all the signs were there for me to pick up on.
last night i ended up going to see the emergency doctor and having an ecg and all the usual checks, all of which were perfectly normal & apparently - despite my being utterly convinced of my impending doom - i wasn't really in the throes of a heart attack :wacko: even now i'm sat here and worrying about what if i *am* about to die and the dr somehow missed it, or fate is playing a trick on me, letting me think i'm ok when actually i'm about to keel over. right at this minute i'm anxious, wound up, have that fluttery feeling in my throat, my shoulders and neck are tight, my left arm keeps going funny, my breathing's going a bit weird & my chest is aching. that's not including the headache and eyeache.... i feel like dot cotton now :huh:

i've been diagnosed with long term reactive depression. i'm pretty much constantly in a state of mild depression with bouts of moderate depression when things go bad. i *was* diagnosed with the anxiety disorder years ago but i thought it had gone, apparently i'm a muppet because it didn't go anywhere, it just went to sleep for a while.

anyway, i think i've blurted and rambled on enough :) this forum and site are incredibly helpful, i admit that reading about the symptoms and what the rest of you have gone and are going through has helped, i feel slightly more positive that maybe it's not a creeping cardiac arrest, though now i've said that i'm worried i've jinxed myself :wacko: i think i'll shut up now lol

Veronica H
25-01-09, 20:27
:welcome: Frankie, you will find comfort and support here.


25-01-09, 20:31
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

25-01-09, 20:35
Hi Frankie. Welcome to NMP.

I'm sure you'll find answers and support right here.

Oh, BTW, I am also from South Glos, Warmley area.

25-01-09, 20:42
thank you veronica & spaced for the welcome, and thank you ross - nice (in a bizarre way!) to see someone else from the area on here :)

26-01-09, 00:35
Hi Frankie, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

26-01-09, 09:36
Hi Frankie, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

thank you :D

26-01-09, 21:46
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support. Remember you are never alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

27-01-09, 09:14
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx