View Full Version : 1st post panic attacks

25-01-09, 20:45
I have had anxiety & panic attacks for 7 years. 13 years ago i was diagnosed with a heart condition following childbirth and developed anxiety and panic attacks 5 years later, post traumatic stress disoder was also mentioned. I went to a concert yesterday in London and felt fine. We went in and were shown to our seat which turned out to be really high in the arena, i sat down and within seconds could feel a panic attack coming on, my legs went so tight at the top like cramp(I have never had that before)and they still hurt today like i have done a hard workout. I had to move and felt so silly. I managed to calm myself down (i try not to say to much as i had my daughter with me), we got lower seats and i enjoyed the concert. We stayed at a friends over night. Woke up this am feeling ok and started to drive home which is about 150miles. I then thought about the panic attack whilst driving and could feel it coming again and i was so scared because i had my mum and my daughter in the car and thought that it would be my fault if i passed out and caused us to have an accident. I managed to get to services and said i needed the toilet and calmed myself. It took me a while to start driving again but got home just feeling anxious. I still feel anxious and scared when i think of the concert even writing this makes me feel horrible but i need to say it. I am going to another in 4 weeks with my daughter, my friend and her daughter and i'm now worrying more about the driving as they don't know i have panic attacks and i'm scared what will happen.

Sorry it's a long post just needed to get it off my chest

25-01-09, 21:20
Hi there and welcome

Can you stick to posting in one forum please as it is easier for people to reply. I will close the other posts for you.


25-01-09, 23:17
You sound like you have a had a very difficult weekend.... Please dont worry about your next trip, as this will bring on a panic attack.....

Could ask someone else to drive next time.... make up an excuse that you back started to hurt last time, due to the long distance....

Sorry I cant help more..... but like I said dont think the worse, or it will happen