View Full Version : dont feel so good =(

25-01-09, 23:22
hi everybody, i don't feel so great today, i think Ive got the flu. my noise wont stop running and i feel weak and when i walk around i feel out of breath and tired. and im worried i have something wrong with me like my heart or something, i just feel pretty bad

Deepest Blue
25-01-09, 23:25
Hi Brandy

Like you, I am feeling awful today too, got the sniffles and feeling a bit anxious, not sleeping well lately either. I could really do with a hug but I can't find the hug thread lol.

Have you been to see your GP? I don't think it's good to assume things like heart problems as that sounds serious and you're going to make yourself feel so much more anxious. Maybe go and see them and get all these worries ruled out, chances are it's just going to be a heavy cold or a flu virus.

I hope we both feel better soon and you can always message me if you ever need someone to talk to :)

Take care

25-01-09, 23:26
Hi Brandy....

You sound like you have the flu or a cold virus.... this will make you feel all the symptoms... I find when I have a cold, I can also feel really low, which make you think negative thoughts....

Definately not a heart problem

You get yourself to bed, with some paracetamol and hot water bottle.... rest up for a few days

25-01-09, 23:30
yeah your probably right, thanks for writing me and ive also had my heart checked out before but its been like 4 or 5 years tho, but it shouldnt change that fast could it...ive had every test and blood work you could probably think of, im a bit of a worrier, but this week im going again to do them again and see how things are,,thanks for the comments ,:D

25-01-09, 23:32
Your welcome...
At the moment you need to do what ever keep you calm and if that involves lost of test, then carry on
You might want to look at some therapy for the long term, so you can stop questioning your health
Hope you feel better soon

25-01-09, 23:36
ive been taking therapy, but it doesnt help, the lady isnt that good or help full..maybe i should change people..

25-07-09, 04:33
sometimes i get these weird tingly feelings in my chest, not all the time but ever once in a while..like when i hear loud sounds or get scared by something,,or somethings by nothing,, but i haven't been feeling great today bored and anxiety bugging me a little bit for some reason, im worried its my heart, but a like a month ago i had a ekg and the docter told me my heart was ok, but i still worry tho..its just me,,need a nice person to talk to with the same problem =(