View Full Version : New

26-01-09, 04:51
Hello. I am just signed up. Wanted to check out the chat, but it says I have to make a post, so here it is. Besides, I thought it would be prudent to introduce myself.

I am raymond. That is a pseudonym. I have social anxiety really bad with really bad symptoms. I self medicate. That's all I'm going to say for now.

I know we're not supposed to post just to get into the chat (well actually I just found that out after I wrote the first part), but part of my anxiety comes from public forums like these and search engine web crawlers.

So if the admins don't mind, I'd like to check out the chat because I've been to the depression chats on yahoo and they are total garbage. The people are mostly abusive and I wouldn't even waste time on the mic. I don't know if AIM has a depression room, but I'll check after I post this, although I'd imagine it to be similar to yahoo.

In any case, I like the chat because I often need immediate feedback and communication with people to get me to calm down about stuff. And like I said, public forums make me nervous.

Thanks in advance.

26-01-09, 21:48
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support. Remember you are never alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

Veronica H
27-01-09, 07:13
:welcome: welcome to NMP. Glad you have found us.


27-01-09, 09:10
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx