View Full Version : waiting

26-01-09, 10:28
Havent made it to work again today! Cant seem to face anyone or anything, have called and am now waiting for Doc to call me back re my symptoms!
Interestingly i have been researching Tagamet online and one of the side effects is DEPRESSION!!!! Strange seeing as i had been sooooooooo much better, starting taking that and within days my mood crashed :o(

26-01-09, 13:53
Getting more and more nervous and anxious as i wait for thr doctor to call!

I hope she helps and gives me a doc note as i am due back at work tomo and i soooooooooo cant face it :o(

26-01-09, 15:22
Hi, where you prescribed tagamet (cimetidine) for stomach ulcer/reflux/ indigestion? I didnt think they really prescribed it too much these days as proton pump inhibitors such as omaprazole/lansoprazole are very effective? (much better in my opinion, cleared my stomach probs up with no side effects)

26-01-09, 15:35
Hope everything goes well with the Dr.

I take Lansoprazole for my stomache hernia which has worked well and I have not had any side effects at all.

26-01-09, 16:34
I really hope you get the help you need from the doc and you feel better soon. I also take Omeprazole for heartburn/reflux and it's brilliant. maybe it might be worth asking to change to Omeprazole/Lanzeprazole?