View Full Version : Going back to Work

26-01-09, 12:14

I have been signed off work now since the 5th January and I have a sick note for another week. Apart from some new meds (Seroquel 25mg) along with Cymbalta (which usually works pretty well), I am here on my own.

When I think about going back to work, I get into a real panic. Feel sludgy, palps, heavy chest, want to hide in bed.

I dont know what I am going to do? I feel terrible guilt about not being in work, frightened of losing job (irony since I work for the NHS) and feel that I should be able to buck my ideas up!!!!


26-01-09, 14:49
I feel the same. Was off for about 3 months, went back the week before xmas, couldn't cope and have been signed off again for 2 weeks. Got doctor's appt tomorrow and my partner has said I should stay off until I'm properly getting better this time.

I work for the NHS too. I feel like they don't give a ****! Caring profession? Yeah, ok then, you decide! I referred myself to occi health for some advice and input and basically I had to say how I felt and go over my history of depression again which just made me feel terrible and start crying in front of a total stranger! He said he'd write a letter to my manager suggesting no nights for a couple of weeks when I go back (weeks??!) and shorter shifts. No speak of phased return, support at work, nothing!!

Rant over.

I've realised you've got to look after yourself because no one else at work, especially if you work in the NHS is going to. Just think of you, know how you feel and try not to feel guilty about being off. Take the time you need to feel better.

Hope this helps and sorry for ranting!!

26-01-09, 15:15
I've got the same worry. I'm one week into a month long note (been off 3 months now) and still can't think i will be ready for work in three weeks. i too want myself to be well rather than nearly well before i go back but i cant see that happening in three weeks.

26-01-09, 22:21
A friend phoned from work today and she said that our manager is off sick now! I am really stressing about going back - and she was going to arrange a meeting with HR about support they could put in place. I want to feel ok before I go back rather than going back through guilt, or because I am scared of going back to the GP and explaining how I feel again.