View Full Version : left side numbeness for 15 years

Sensitive Booby
26-01-09, 15:15

This is my first posting and it is a little long. I have lived with left side, whole body numbness and slightly depleted brightness and sensation in left eye, chest pains, less frequent panic attacks (unless hung-over) for more than 15 years. Phew, although I welcome my sensitivity as I am a passionate person.

Due, in part to a growing antisocial cynicism caused by an annoyance at the apathy of the human race to be nice to each other and look after the environment, I started having panic attacks for a few years, especially when I got stoned, which I kept doing, "stupid me". A few years later, during a particularly bad hangover I cycled franticly to find a friend as we were going on a working holiday together that day, and suffered a most severe attack. On my way to being driven to the hospital my left side went numb; I then I had a large list of symptoms for some time, including persistent left side numbness, chest pains and tinnitus. I had a CAT scan, and saw a neurologist. My doctor’s suggested happy pills. I didn’t want them but finally agreed to take them as life was so difficult. He was a nice doctor.

I took Lustral, (I had a "Lustral Life" Iggy Pop Song) Serratonin Uptake Inhibiter's for a year and a half and had a wild time, no hangovers unless after extreme excess, no numbness and lots of "What’s the matter with everyone? Cheer up!" type attitude.

I stopped taking them and started meditating. This worked very well for a while but life's stresses slowly crept back in. I started having the symptoms again but as the pills formerly removed the symptoms I most often had the wisdom to recollect that it was merely psychological.

I have recently have been through some extremely stressful incidents and the numbness has come back like never before. I have been to the docs and asked for some sleeping pills. I have not been able to sleep and been worried that perhaps I had shorted my brain somewhere or had the symptoms for so long that they will never go and will only get worse.

Yesterday I read about the Linden Technique and that it is possible to reprogram the Amygdala to stop emitting stress signals without happy pills.

Last night I faced down a panic attack during a body focus breathing meditation allowing my problems to surface and dissipate. This used to calm me down before last week. At 5.45 I had had enough and took a valium. I plan to take one or two tonight to break the pattern and get some rest. I can get off them fine by meditation, but the meditation for the first time ever is currently not working to get me to sleep.

Sorry for the sensationalised life history but summing it all up is quite cathartic.
I have little money (doesn’t help) but would fork out to solve the problem if Linden Program is really worth it. I am slightly dubious because Mr Linden has what looks like a fake tan (half serious). Finding out what the amygdala does, does help allot.

What do you recon? The Linden technique? I have looked at the web postings but want to know how he suggests to re-program my almond shaped amygdale.

Thanks for the web site. x:blush: