View Full Version : Please help me

26-01-09, 16:19
right now i am so scared of life in genral but also of everything else around me i am ready to break down
and i have no idea what to do
and my doctor said when i told him what i had been happining that he thaught that i was under alot of stress and after i asked him if he thaught that i was at high risk for a panic attack he said no

so tell me am i having a panic attack

here is what is hapining,

i have sharp chest pains
i am scared of everything
i want to run away and hide from it
i i am having alot of emotional break downs reciently.

so please help me

26-01-09, 16:42
Sounds like Panic too me. Are there heavy things going on in your life?

The main thing you need to know (that I find) is that the more you think about it, the worse it gets and the longer it continues.

Try exercising, and doing things in general that will help keep your mind off of your symptoms.

The mind is a powerful thing.

26-01-09, 16:47
Hi daniel-ploss
it sounds to me like anxiety atacks..you will get lots of help useing this site I know it my not seem very helpfull me saying this but sometimes it helps to know that you are not alone.You will get lots of help here and good advise

hope you feel better soon
shaka x

26-01-09, 16:59
When I suffered PA's they were debilitating. You're actualy doing the right thing at the mo - you just need to do more of it. Distraction.

Surf the net, read a book, start cleaning (thats not sexist btw - cleaning helps me), watch tv, to be honest anything you like doing. In distracting yourself you take the focus away and in time relax more.

Not easy to do at first as I couldn't watch TV for a long time, but I do have several things I like and do when I get a little too anx. Most of them involve the PC - games, on-line games, chat, watching new episodes of series only available on-line .....

Believe it or not, I spent a good while looking up the Parking Law when I was anxious - part distraction, part me being a pedant.

Whatever distraction methods you decide to use will help.


28-01-09, 23:38
right now i am so scared of life in genral but also of everything else around me i am ready to break down
and i have no idea what to do
and my doctor said when i told him what i had been happining that he thaught that i was under alot of stress and after i asked him if he thaught that i was at high risk for a panic attack he said no

so tell me am i having a panic attack

here is what is hapining,

i have sharp chest pains
i am scared of everything
i want to run away and hide from it
i i am having alot of emotional break downs reciently.

so please help me

Life can get very scary sometimes Daniel, and when your suffering from anxiety it makes it all the worse. Believe me when I say you are not the only one to be feeling this way, I've often felt the same as you myself... infact thinking about life is starting to make me feel panicky right now lol. :winks:

Honestly though, when you have an elevated sense of anxiety everything feels scary, that's common. Just try and get some help from your Doctor and speak to friends and family and let them know how you're feeling. Right now you could do with some support.