View Full Version : advice re work please??

11-07-05, 17:44
hi, I posted a couple of days ago about having a panic attack at work.Tommorow I have occupational health then a meeting with the hospital manager. she seems really nice but Im getting all panicky again just at the thought of it. Does anyone have advice on what I should say at the meeting? I dont know if I should ask if I can go back to work( assuming Im not fired) or if I should ask to take some time off. If I am fired I dont know how I will react, Im scared of how to get home as I cant go on subway when Im panicking. Do you think I should take someone with me to the meeting or will that come across badly maybe they will think worse on me if I cant go alone?Has anyone been in a similar situation with work?Thanksx

11-07-05, 18:03
Well, I have been in a similar situation at work.

I worked in local government and was put under their doctor at the district hospital - he was a consultant physician in the Occupational Health Department. This happened after I'd been off sick for about six months.

After three monthly visits with him, he recommended that I work two hours each day, and after a while doing a little more. About three days before my re-start I saw my manager and HR person. On the day I started they did admit that they thought I'd chicken out - I suppose I must have been so iffy at that meeting.

As it happens, I could only stick it for 10 days and fell to pieces.

At that time, I knew redundancy and possible early retirement was a likely option as I was quite a liability to them, I guess this is not the case with you.

Do you work in the NHS then? Are you in the trade union? I would certainly seek their support if you feel your job is at risk.

All the Best,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

11-07-05, 21:01
hi shona,
i had to take five weeks off work when i started having panic attacks - i had a doctor's note so there was nothing my employers could do but let me have the time off. when i got back, i had a meeting with my line manager and took a trade union representative with me for support. we agreed on a gradual return to work, as suggested by my cognitive behavioural therapist.
i eventually got back to working full time, but decided that i needed some time out. i now work on a freelance basis.
i don't think you should worry about what they think. if you are suffering with mental health problems you have every right to address them and bring them to your employers attention without running the risk of being fired. if you need time off and your doctor is prepared to sign you off then i think this is what you should do.
let us know how get on,
henri x

11-07-05, 23:40
thanks ray and henri I do work for the nhs, I got into big trouble for having panic attack at work when it happened so i dont know what to expect at the meeting. Was going to resign but I wonder would they let me have some time off I really want to get over this. Decided not to take anyone tommorrow as I expect it will be a more formal hearing if they decide to take disiplinary action and I guess they will tell me on advance, I will phone the union if they do. Not that I will argue with their decision as obviously patients come first, just for moral support as I cant handle another confrontation just now. Expect I might feel better tommorrow when I know my fate!I'll just be honest and see what happens, please god dont let me have another one while Im there!Thanks for the advice, shonax p.s. sorry about the job ray, have you managed to go back to work since or are you still too unwell?

11-07-05, 23:56
Hi Shona,

I'm largely a man of leisure now - I've just started working in a charity shop for free just a very few hours.

I don't miss work and can live on my income OK, so as long as I'm well occupied and have a network of contacts I'll be OK.


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

12-07-05, 02:17
Well shona

I think you got to tell the truth.
You have to tell them exactly what the problem is. - whether it be full on panic disorder or a one off panic attack.

If at all possible take a union rep with you or someone who can speak for you . It really helps if you have someone fighting your corner.

Good luck

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

12-07-05, 09:12
I work in the NHS too and i had 2 weeks off on holiday and was in hospital in spain was not good for the first week of my hols, work signed the 1st week as sick but they have been fine, now feeling unable to cope again with life have just taken 2 days off sick again i too am worried about my job as i feel im making them mad now (maybe its all in my head eh) embaressed to go back in now dont want to tell them what im going through even though i work in mental health as a secretary. i feel working full time 3 kids and keeping house is getting on top of me, motivation etc is hard to find at the moment but have to work for financial reasons also kids driving me nuts at the moment i feel im constantly shouting at them becuause they dont listen to me.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

12-07-05, 12:55
Liz I think it must be panic disorder, i told work a couple of months ago but thought I was better till this happened. they were good to me before but obviously now it has affected work things could be differrent. Im so pissed off with having panic attacks I control my breathing really well but my hearts still going like a train and my hands are shakey today at the thought of this meeting. Maybe its just normal anxiety and the fear of having an attack is making me notice it more, shonaX

12-07-05, 12:59
Yes its normal anxiety of having this meeting.

Its great that you did tell them before so they were aware of the situation.

The way the other nurses behaved that day was also inexcusably apalling- it wasn't just you. You may have overreacted to the situation but they reacted badly to you.

Good luck


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-07-05, 19:17
thanks everyone for your support. The manager today was very nice, we discussed that if I dont get any better I may have to think about another line of work where I do not have responsibilities for patients. In the meantime I am to have a few weeks off and see the doctor again see if I can get to see a psychologist etc. After getting reports from my doctor and seeing how I am they will decide if I can go back to my job. Everyone was very understanding I'm grateful of that as it is a fairly new job. Im going to concentrate on getting better and try not to worry about it. thanks again, shonax

12-07-05, 19:41
Shona I'm so glad you have some breathing space now. Well done for facing a difficult day I think you are being very wise.

Look after yourself (make a nice change, lol).

Love Piglet

12-07-05, 19:44
Use your time off carefully Shona.

Glad the meeting went well


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?