View Full Version : citalopram and chocolate

26-01-09, 18:05
Just wondered if any one has had increased anxiety and panic eating chocolate whilst taking C/pram or is it just my imagination, after eating 2 chocolate bars i felt really anxious and then spaced out all day, but had not had any thing else to eat all morning.

26-01-09, 23:12
ive relaly went off chocolate from taking citalopram and havnt had it really since i started taking them..the thought of it makes me feel sick..so just eat foods you feel okay with i guess..take care

26-01-09, 23:18
You might have got anxious from eating 2 chocolate bars and not the meds... This would be due to the sugar high and the caffeine in the coco.... I would cut down your chocolate anyway to keep you more relexed

27-01-09, 14:28
I think if youre ill and on medication like i am currently on citrlopram 20mg you should try and take care of yourself not having two bars of choclate for breakfast but having some toast of cereal you have too eat well good nutrition is very important- i definatly think the chocolate containing caffeine had an affect on your anxiety levels as would coffee, tea and of course alcohol i think everything in moderation maybe one bar lol hope u feel better soon x