View Full Version : Dr tomorrow... i think its MS or tumour. What will they do??

26-01-09, 19:20
I finally have plucked up the courage to go to the drs about my weird symptoms. Mainly random tingling sensations that come and go on my leg, ankle and face and annoying eye discomfort. Obviously i have googled it!!!!

What i was wondering is..what will the dr do? Will they do a neurological examination with that hammer tool etc? And, is that a good indication of your neurological health?? Im worried but need to get this sorted.

Thanks in advance x

26-01-09, 19:33
Hi hun
I went for a very similar reason a few months ago and the dr just tested the feeling in my face and arms by using a cotton wool ball and got me to close my eyes, then he brushed it against the skin on my face and arms to see how much i could feel..
Hes referred me to neurology because he said its not his field, but he thinks it caused by anxiety. When we are anxious and overbreathe etc we dont feed enough oxygen to the nerve endings so it can cause the feelings of numbness and pins and needles.
My appointment is in a few weeks time so at least it will be sorted one way or another.
Dont worry im sure you will be ok.
Take care

26-01-09, 19:48
Hi....i had a similar problem a few weeks ago (i had tremor in my hands, pins and needles, feeling clumsy and unsteady and blured vision).

My GP did an examination, checking reflexes by tapping knees, elbows and feet. got me to touch my nose with my finger, stand on one foot, walk across the room on my heels and she done some visual field checks by shinning a light in my eyes...she said i passed with flying colours and it is a good indicator of neurological health.

They will probably do blood tests as thyroid problems and anaemia can cause all these odd sensations too. Mine turned out to be a mixture of anxiety and low thyroid so i was very glad i went and the neurological examination did put my mind at rest...as she said she didnt expect someone who was shaking as much as i was at the time to be able to stand on one leg let alone tip toes!!:)

also she said by looking in the back of my eyes she doubted very much there was a brain tumor....

26-01-09, 20:17

Just want to wish you luck at the doctors, hope it all goes well for you.
