View Full Version : replace the negative thoughts

26-01-09, 19:52
Nagative thinking becomes deep rooted in our minds over time and for some they have had to deal with it from childhood.

Most of us at one time or another have shouted at ourselves when we have been unable to do something that most take for granted. Like going to the shops, picking the kids up from school, going for a drive or even just going out for a walk.

We speak negative words into our own minds

"I am useless"
"I am a failure"
"I hate myself"

Each time we do this we reinforce these thoughts and they become stronger. what we are doing is feeding the negative thoughts.

Lets say tomorrow Mr/Mrs black goes for a walk but they only manage to get to the end of the street. They can look at this in two ways

1/ I failed to do the whole walk and I am a failure
2/ I failed to do the whole walk but at least I managed to get to the end of the street and I am proud of myself for doing so.

Every step we take is a step towards freedom
Every step we take takes us forward
Every step we take gets us nearer our goal

The point is to not think in negative terms but to turn "what may at first seem a failure" into a positive statement.

Speak positve words in to our lives. Oh we may not feel positive and even as we read this we may start to think for something negative but STOP

STOP and replace that thought

This does take discipline and we need to work at it.

Even tell those you know that your trying and just ask them to praise you for the small steps.

If your agoraphobic and manage to just open the door and step outside for 10 seconds, then well done and I mean, well done.

I spent a year unable to go out and I would verbally beat myself up but now I can go out but I have blips and we all will have blips but keep positive

hugs :bighug1:


tanya 1
26-01-09, 19:55
good advice,do you think writing positive things down about yourself might help ?im struggling to think positive at the moment.
tanya 1 x

26-01-09, 20:07
Writing postive thoughts will reinforce them in our head.

I have just read some of your posts tanya and you give good support to others on this site even if your not feeling great yourself, so thats positive

26-01-09, 20:49
I too get negative thoughts at times and i have to really work to keep them away and if i dont accept the thought I try and change it. I hearad a good saying and its we can accept change or reject a thought.

26-01-09, 20:56
Yeah, good advice. I think i read similar kind of stuff in a book on PA.

Veronica H
27-01-09, 07:29
:) Thanks Purple, negative thinking is the hardest to crack for me.


27-01-09, 08:11
I think the main cause of anxiety and panic attacks is thinking negative thoughts, which become irrational and not accepting a balance view in our minds
This maybe due to experiences, low self esteem or confidence.....

If you can crack positive thinking, you can crack the anxiety.....

This was a really nice post and has set me up for the day!!