View Full Version : Anaemia

26-01-09, 20:35
My mum has told me from experience, that i may have anaemia, ive heard that it can mae you fee ldizzy, ill and tired. But lately when i googled it it came up as it can kill you, now im kinda panicking whether it can or it cant, ive been taking some b12 tablets since this week, but i must say i feel generally better, except when my anxiety i feel worse, but on the all better.
My question is can it kill you?

26-01-09, 20:49
Hi LJ - anaemia does not kill you - and are you sure you ARE anaemic?

Anaemia happens for lots of reasons - in women it's common because of menstruation (and it's also very common in pregnancy) but lots of things can cause it - not enough iron containing foods for example, it is thought that lots of people walk around slightly anaemic without realising it.

If it causes symptoms they are usually dizziness, tiredness/fatgue and light-headedness etc - - ring any bells when comparing with anxiety symptoms?

Try not to worry - oh and from experience can I advise you to NEVER google your symptoms - it will always bring up hideous and unlikely illnesses (been there and got the T-shirt:blush:)


26-01-09, 21:06
Hi LJ - just seen from another post that you are quite young - it might help you to know that anaemia is quite common in teenagers because they have lots of growth spurts - so IF you are anaemic then there is nothing serious behind it and it will not kill you. Just try to eat a good diet (and I know teenagers often choose not to) and take your B12 supplement as this will all help.

26-01-09, 21:26
:) Hi,

Anaemia is very very very common! But ive never heard of anyone dying from it! My advice is take a good multi vitamin with iron in it and boost your diet with iron rich foods. Over a few weeks that will help boost your iron levels if you are indeed anaemic. I was anaemic after my c-section and took prescribed iron tablets but its better if you do it by diet. Women can become anaemic if their monthly bleeding is heavy too and if their diet isnt good etc... Easily treated.

Bye bye x

26-01-09, 21:41
I'm Aneamic! have been for many years on and off mainly due to girly stuff lol. a simple blood test will be able to tell you whether your iron is low. It can make you feel light headed, dizzy, tired, pale, have palpitations. When I am feeling run down and under the weather, its one of the first thing that I am checked for. I you are anaemic you will just more than likely receive a course of ferrous sulphate to take. They can make you constipated and make your number 2.s black ... sorry to muh info lol. You an also buy a liquid form of iron from the chemist. You need to take it with orange juice to help absorbtion into your body. Try not to drink anything with milk added for a couple of hours before and a couple of hours after. Never heard of anyone dying from it as of yet!!!! Try to stop worrying and ask your dr for a blood test if this is what you think.
Ps My doctor at times has asked to look at the palm of my hands when checking for anaemia BEFORE a blood test. if the padded part under the bottom of your thumb looks blueish you could possibley be anaemic but will need a blood test to ensure correct result.
sorry for the essay.
Don't worry and I hope you feel better soon :D