View Full Version : Cancer scares...

26-01-09, 21:11
Right i no ive posted about breast cancer, but this time i think i have throat cancer... i did somethign stupid and decided to check out throat cancer, and guess what the symptoms match mine, except vomiting, ive been losing weight but not tht much, but this may be due to exercise, but the reason is i find its hard to swallow, and it feels like food is still in my throat...

Anyone reasure me.?:scared15:

26-01-09, 21:45
Honey, exercising can cause weight loss and the feeling of a lump in the throat and difficulty in swallowing is very common in cases of anxiety. Please don't Google throat cancer.... if you are anxious you can make anything fit the symptoms. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.Try relaxation and deep breathing maybe....both helped me relax the muscles.

26-01-09, 22:40
L we need to talk i ave simialr probs on going now since september please try and pm me or catch me in chat id love to share my story as its exactly the same , besttip dnt not google and carryon eating solids as i got soo bad were iv had to re train my mind jus like a child to swallow
best wishes C.xxxxxx

27-01-09, 08:11
LJ it sounds like you have a number of worries that are common to health anxiety suffers - your heart and various cancers including throat cancer and breast cancer.

Have you spoken to your doctor about health anxiety? He/she has said that anxiety is likely to be causing your symptoms - has he/she suggested anything to help you with this? Is there anything else bothering you? It might help to talk to someone about your fears and anxieties.

You're too young to be worrying about heart problems, or breast cancer or throat cancer :flowers:.