View Full Version : Chronic fatigue

11-07-05, 18:17
I know I have posted about this before, but I still dont understand the severity of the fatigue I get after a couple of good days . I knew I would be tired today I did quite a few acheivments over the weekend and it was very hot and my son,girlfriend and my 2 year old grandaughter stayed from friday night to sunday night,but I have been uncapable of doing anything today, and it doesnt get better as the day wears on it gets worse and I have been trying to get dinner and every time I move I feel like I will collapse, my heads gone really funny and even though I eat I get constant hunger feelings. Needless to say I just had a panic attack. I have done a couple of relaxation tapes and dozed off but it doesnt help at all.

I have read posts of others getting very tired but it never sounds as extreme as this. It really puts a damper on having a good day.

Barb xxx

11-07-05, 18:29
Hi Barb,
What you are going through is so normal hun, I had a brilliant day on saturday, i was out watching my girls in a dancing display for 5 hours, confronting 2 of my biggest fear, open spaces (they were dancing at a fete in a field) and crowds, i did it and felt on top of the world in the evening, but sunday i got up and felt like i had run a marathon, i was so tired, but i have found that if i keep going by the evening the tiredness and lightheadedness fade away. We feel like this because even a small task like going to the local shop is such a big thing for people with anxiety, it just wipes you out. You will find though that the more you manage to do and the more times you do it, the tiredness the next day starts to become less.
I hope this helps to reassure you hun,
Take Care,

11-07-05, 19:11
hi barb...

i love the sun but this heat doesnt help does it!..I am like yourself sometimes even turning the channel on the tv is too much for me, well slight exageration but u know what i mean when i get in from work i just feel soo drained and like i may fall asleep at any moment my boyf laughs at me bacause i always fall asleep really early and hes a night owl i just cannot do it...but i suffer alot from chronic fatigue and i eat all the time as well and take vit b tablets X X X

12-07-05, 14:50
Hi Barb,
sorry you are feeling so tired right now, you did real good at the week-end, no wonder you are worn out!!! When we have the family/guests we are constantly on the go, making sure everyone's ok, being fed etc... once it's all over our body just relaxes and our minds begin to work overtime. When you feel like this, just do the very basics, and rest, easier said than done, and you mentioned the hunger feelings, i may be talking rubbish, but i heard recently that sometimes when you feel hungry it could also be thirst???it sounds like i've lost the plot doesn't it? maybe i heard wrongly!!! I tried drinking extra water and it did help a little, because i was often hungry when i had eaten a short time back. take care barb. xxxxxx

12-07-05, 15:15

Listen to your body and do what it suggests as far as tiredness is concerned.
Push yourself to progress but then plan a nothing day where you can rest, catnap, recharge etc

Have you had your iron level checked recently and Carlin, you are absolutely right make sure you're hydrated especially in this weather.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-07-05, 16:59
Thanks everyone, I still wonder why it panics me so. I practically crawled up to bed at 8.45!!!. Today I have been hyper again, now at 5pm I am very tired again. Carlin I will try that I only ever manage a glass of water a day I know I should drink more and I have read it gives you more energy if you do.

luv Barb xxx

12-07-05, 17:22
yes water is best as it has muti purpose use too