View Full Version : Lump high in neck

26-01-09, 21:19
I'm in tears on the computer as I write this because I've got myself in to a stupid state.

I've found a lump in the back of my head at the top of my neck. Very high up right underneath where the back of the skull sticks out.

It comes and goes as I raise my head up and down. When I press on it I get pins and needles all over my body. I thought it might be a bone but it seems more like a lump. It doesn't move with the skin but stays in place.

I have already been x-rayed for a trapped nerve but apparently this is not the cause.

I've been having pins and needles all day. My pins and needles have been going on for weeks (I initially thought it might be MS but the doctor didn't think this was likely with pins and needles all over my body rather than in a single place).

I'm so frustrated and have got myself in a bit of a state. I just don't feel as though I'm coping.

Has anyone else experiences anything like this?

Many thanks,

26-01-09, 21:25
YOu sure it isnt your adams apple, i had one stage were the doctor completely missed the thought lol, he said maybe something liek cysts but i tohught adams apple and he clicked :)

26-01-09, 21:29
..no it's at the back of my neck. I probably should have mentioned that! ..I'll edit my post to make it clearer.

29-01-09, 15:45
shamelessly bumping because I'm very anxiuos...! Any advice or similar experiences would be very reassuring. Thanks, Pooky