View Full Version : Back again...

26-01-09, 22:59
Hey guys,
I was doing so well, havent been on this site for well over 6 months...then I go and break my heel and have an operation...So now I'm discharged from the hospital, at home, having the worst anxiety attack ever. I'm convinced I'm going to get a blood clot and die...my foot is in a cast so i cant see it...im feeling all clamy and sweaty and i swear I can feel the blood trying to rush through my veins and all of a sudden my body seems to have lumps and bumbs on it that wernt there before...

The thing is I had a ultrascan yesterday and the doc said my veins were flowing perfectly but i'm still scared and keep wondering whether he got it wrong.

I feel my left side of my face has gone numb and i keep shivering really bad..oh and the heart palpatations aint helping. feel like tonites gonna be a long nite...someone please snap me out of it!!! :weep:

27-01-09, 08:14
Hi Sali - hope you're feeling better now. Try to be reassured by your scan - your blood vessels are fine. It's really common with health anxiety to believe that the doctor has 'got it wrong' somehow. This is extremely unlikely.

Follow your doctor's instructions and you'll fine. Maybe try distracting yourself with TV, a book, or something else that you enjoy doing.

27-01-09, 13:24

Hope you are feeling a little better, sorry to hear you have hurt yourself, found yourself at home and now panicking.

Like Leebee says i think distraction may be the best thing although easier said than done i know, but maybe if you can imerse yourself in something like reading etc you will have something to focus on and the panic will probably become less.

Thinking of you