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celia davies
26-01-09, 23:35
wat skin cancer looks like cause im still worryin about this on my back an cant get in my docs at he moment,its not a mole jst this little tiny spot its been there about a year its really tiny but always tingles like inside my back iv picked it off a few times but bleeds an then comes bac an keeps tingling help im really worryin the area is red around it

26-01-09, 23:49

Don't worry, this is not skin cancer. It is just a spot and perfectly harmless.

27-01-09, 13:48
Hi celia, It doesnt sound like anything to worry about but if it would put your mind at ease see your gp. Skin cancer usually would change in size and itch, pusy stuff can ooze out to, i really wouldnt worry

27-01-09, 23:04
My aunty had a malignant melanoma on her wrist which she had ignored for months:wacko: and she showed it to me and it was big like the size of a 2p piece and very very black and crusty with red inflamed edge.

This was 15 years ago and she went to plastic surgeon and had it removed under local - it hadn't spread and she has been fine ever since - she is now 80 yrs old!

so I now know what malignant melanoma looks like and its unmistakable.

28-01-09, 00:15
Hi Celia

This sounds like the one i have on my back, sounds like its just a spot


28-01-09, 00:19
Celia, it's best to not pick these things off. You can get an infection and it's just going to come back. What you really want to know is what it is. You can't go by what people think it is...I have had several things looked at. All they do is give you a tiny needle to numb it, remove it and send it to pathology for examination. Nothing to be afraid of, it doesn't hurt. My advice is to clear your mind, regardless of how old you are. Things can happen at any age, especially after sun exposure. Better to know. So many different types of cancer and pre-cancer and things that are totally fine. Mine have all been a form of keratitis which is totally harmless and common, looks a lot like what you're describing. Mine was also on my back which was maddening because I couldn't see it well, but I had the same thing on my leg and chest. Get your mind clear and see a dermatologist.