View Full Version : I think I am really sick! HELP

27-01-09, 01:24
Please help me...
I was visiting Brazil and I got sick over there.. I had fever.... diarrhea... stomach pain.... I spent 3 nights in the Emergency Room doing IV fluids and blood work.. they said it could be dengue fever or a stomach bug...
Then I got a little better and I caught the flu... on top of what I was feeling...
I got here in the US and I tried to go to the emergency room because my ear was hurting soo much because of the long flight!
The ER was packed of people.. they seemed not to care... the doc didn't listen to me...
I am freaking out...because today I am starting to feel the same symptoms... I am scared I will die from a mysterious disease... no one will find out.

PS : I tried to go to the doc today, it didn't happen.... I am afraid to wait until tomorrow

27-01-09, 01:33
what about seeing your own doctor/GP?