View Full Version : New here. Very concerned.

27-01-09, 02:41
Hi all,

I stumbled upon this forum the other day, and I think this might be a good place for me...

I've had terrible health anxiety over the past year, and it's at its height right now. A month or so ago, I started having muscle twitching all over and a weird, awkward feeling in my left arm. I got a referral to a neuro, had a clean clinical exam, clean bloodwork, and had an EMG and an NCV, both of which came back fine. I decided to start physical therapy, thinking the arm issue might be due to an old injury, and I figured I'd be okay.

In the past week, I've had some new symptoms develop. It started with pain in my hands and feet. Then tingling in hands and feet almost 24/7 (both sides, primarily on the left). I shared this with my neuro, and he said it was nothing to worry about. A couple days after that, I had a cold, wet sensation in my head, which spreads randomly. I feel like I'm being rained on, but there's never any water. I've also been feeling unsteady in general on the left side. I always feel like my shoe is too tight. Today I felt my face tingling. After consulting Dr. Google and accessing some prior knowledge from my college classes...I'm terrified. All these sensations are consistent with MS.

I'm not having any problems with headaches, vertigo, or vision at all, but I also know that doesn't always happen in the beginning. My physical therapist told me I'm definitely tilted and favoring my left side, but it's probably not causing these problems. Aside from my anxiety and hypothyroidism (which is under control), I've always been healthy and there's no history of anything like this in my family.

I'm seeing my GP in a couple days, and I'm so scared that I'm outright asking him for an MRI. I've done nothing but cry for the past three days. I'm shutting everyone out because I'm so terrified. I can't possibly think this is anything else and I can barely get up in the morning because of it.

Has anyone else had these problems and turned out okay? I need some encouragement.


27-01-09, 08:21
Im sorry to hear you are feeling so upset..... It horrible when you start to feel un-explained symptoms and especially if you can link them to a particular frieghting diagnosis
Firstly, I have learnt to not google anything... sometime it might be right, but 99% of the time, it will point you at worst illness for your symptoms, when there could 101 possibilities that are very minor..
Also remember anxiety can produce some of these symptoms above... You have a lot of test done and nothing has come back as life threatening...
I wish you well and just try to stay positive until you get to see your doctor... Maybe go out for the day and distract yourself...
Welcome to NMP, there is always someone here to talk to you, when you are worried or down

27-01-09, 23:13
I think most of us here have had your symptoms at some time and all together! I started 20 yrs ago with the wet sensation like I had stood in a puddle of cold water with one foot - had the tuning fork sensation in my legs every few seconds like an internal vibration - twitching muscles anywhere - sudden burning sensations - sudden feeling like a wasp sting - crawling sensation. When I walk I feel as if I am going to fall to the left and soemtimes I have to stop and realign myself to keep on walking. I get sudden vertigo attacks as well.

20 yrs on I have no loss of function in amy of my limbs. I have had numerous brain mri's etc to check for ms etc and I do not have it. What I do have is bad anxiety and damage to my neck which can cause the balance problems.
My husband who does not in any way have HA has started having neck trouble and guess what he had same feeling as if he falling to left when he walks and sudden dizzy attacks etc etc.

apparenly tension in the neck muscles from anxiety can affect your balance as well as actual damage like i have.

It if helps get your brain mri and when it is clear stop worrying - its probably anxiety and a tense neck!

27-01-09, 23:54

It's anxiety.

You have been examined and everything has come back as fine but your anxiety has made you think something has been missed. As a result you end up in cylce of fear and this just increases your level of anxiety and the symptoms increase and so on. To break this cycle you must have faith in the fact that you are fine as far as health is concerned and try to tackle the anxiety side of things.

You will find lots of infomation on this site on how to do that. We have all been through the same sort of thing, so try not to worry.

28-01-09, 16:43

As others have said this is really common with Anxiety., I had very similar symptoms, it took over my life.

I to asked for all of the tests, all came back clear. I was referred to a rhemotologist who diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia, I am not saying this is what you have but to ease your mind ask to see a rhemo. if all is ok try to trust your resluts. I know how hard this is, but you cant start to work with your anxiety until you accept it.

I really feel for you and i hope you find these posts helpful.

Take care, good luck and keep us posted.


28-01-09, 18:01
Hey again,

Thank you all for the replies. I saw my GP today, and he was appalled that my neuro hadn't scheduled an MRI when I started talking about new symptoms. He shares my concern, and does think it's a possibility that something neurological is happening. So I'm going in Monday morning for the MRI. Luckily I didn't have to demand it, and he was more than understanding about my fears.

I'm now experiencing tingling on my entire left side almost 24/7, and it's spotty and intermittent on the right. The only time I don't feel anything is for thirty seconds when I first wake up in the morning. So that isn't helping me calm down.

I know anxiety can do some strange things (I'm not new to GAD - I was diagnosed at 18 and I'm 26 now), but it's never been this intense and lasted this long without any kind of relief. I'm certainly hoping this can all be explained away and I can get back on my meds and be fine, but...it's so hard to buy into that. As you all know.

Thanks for the support, and I'll keep you all updated.


28-01-09, 19:22
Dr. Googles waiting room is always full :D
Trouble is a lot of the time Dr. Google just tosses some dice up into the air and reads off the result on his symptoms chart when you ask him something.
Theres an excellent book called "It's not all in your head" that gives some great advice with dealing with illness.
Hope you start to feel better soon


29-01-09, 17:33
Welcome to NMP

Sorry you aren't feeling too great at the moment, but have to agree with the other people who have posted, that it is anxiety related. Hopefully the MRI will put your mind at ease.

Good luck xxx

02-02-09, 19:00
Hi again,

Just wanted to pop back in and say I had my MRI this morning (which was hard enough, as I had to convince myself the gadolinium injection wouldn't hurt me), and now I'm just waiting to hear... This is going to be a long few days.

I wanted to throw in another question, as well. At some point every day, I have weird feelings in my hand, foot, and knee on the left side. Like they're tight, but they're actually not. I have no stiffness or problems with movement, and there's no pain. All the range of motion is there. It just feels tight inside. No amount of stretching or rubbing changes it. Anyone else have this? Of course I'm worried that this is a paresthesia associated with something sinister... ugh.
