View Full Version : messy

27-01-09, 05:55
im not really sure what im doin here or what im about to type

everythings a bit messy im certainly not in a good head space
right now and i feel bad for it how stupid is that i feel bad about
feeling bad its illogical and it doesnt make sence

i need help but dont know where to turn i feel somewhat alone
all over again like i did when i was at school
i dont want to leave the house i dont want to do anything its
crazy but nothing has set this off
i just want to be normal and i cant

im a mess and i dont feel like im ever going to be better

27-01-09, 19:46

Its common to feel bad about feeling bad, so thats a very normal feeling but when we focus on it too much, thats when it becomes a problem. At the moment reading your post its plain to see that you have lost your zest and have become withdrawen.
This only adds to how you feel but the positive thing is you can turn this around.

Your Dr is your first port of call. Let them know exactly how you feel and ask them about any mental health support teams in your area. The main thing is not to sit alone with this problem and instead seek support asap.

There are many on here that will give better advice than me but I hope this helps


27-01-09, 19:57
thankyou for the reply my doc refered me bu tmy cpn dropped off the radar after my first assesment when he said he didnt understand me due to being so complicated

27-01-09, 20:26
I know exactly how you feel. It so complicated. there are too many thoughts and reasons in your head. so much easier not to do things. i cant socialise anymore, i dont want to go out or see anyone or do anything. i jus want to stay on this bed and not have to move. I jus want to lie here and stare into nothingness. it seems like the bad days are piling up and i cant see a break in the cycle, particularly when its not provoked. I

know this isnt advice, but you should know that you are not alone. even though its lonely. You should def try your dr again (altho i undtstnd how disheartening that can be if you feel you are getting nowhere, particularly wen every visit becomes a hike)

Good luck with everything

27-01-09, 23:00
bad thoughts that seem to control me more than them
in a bit of a pickle

27-01-09, 23:43
Have you tried talking to your dr to find out what is happening with the mental health people you were reffered to, they should have notified your dr of the outcome to your assesment.

I realise this must be a really difficult situation for you, is there no friends that you can turn to for support?

have you tried expressing the way you feel by writing things down etc?