View Full Version : Another weird heart symptom!

11-07-05, 20:41
Today at work, when I felt I was sitting doing nothing too strenous at my desk, infact talking on the phone, all of a sudden I felt a warm tingling weird sensation coming from my heart which seemed to flow right up to my face and my heart felt like it was shaking or doing something very strange... obvioulsy it stopped me in my tracks and I felt anxious for a bit afterwards.... It was very weird and I dont think I have had a symptom quite like this before!!

Is ths normal? Should I speak to my GP about this?

I have changed office today but I am now doing a much less stressful job than before and the people I am working I know... maybe it was just the change of job.

The heart fears are just so difficult for me to stop. I just dont know why i cant just accept that its anxiety and nothing more. I have had my heart checked lots of time although my last ECG wa last OCT/NOV although my blood pressure is fine etc.... I just keep thinking what if this time there is actually something wrong with my heart and maybe becaue I have been so stressed lately my heart cant cope anymore. Does anyone else feel like this too?


What do you all think?


11-07-05, 21:11
hi Sadie,

The way you're feeling is very normal. I have had that same sensation many times. Just a symptom of anxiety - try not to worry!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

11-07-05, 21:43
Yes I feel like this too. All the other symptons I can brush aside at various times but I cannot relax about my heart. You here how stress damages your heart and you kind of think well, all this time I have been suffering anxiety must have taken its toll, my heart cant go on forever at his speed etc, etc, etc, and the more you worry the worse it all gets. Like a never ending cycle.

Its just learning how to jump in and break that cycle which is the hard part.

We will get there in the end !! Take care, JO xxx

30-05-08, 03:21
i too get the warm, tingling sensation when i get the thumps... This is a new symptom for me this year... Even just a little thump will make me burn and tingle all the way up to my ears!!! Feels awful... But am told harmless...!!! How are you travelling now?