View Full Version : Contraception - is it linked to anxiety / depression?

27-01-09, 14:58

Sorry about this one boys but needs must! I have had the Mirena Coil for 5 years and was talking to a freind about it who said she wouldn't have one because of the link with depression. She has had post natal depression in the psat and felt she couldn't take the risk. I told her not to be daft of course they're not linked. I've had it for five years and I'm.......a total nervous wreck.:blush:

So I do as all good people do and Googled it and guess what, loads of stuff about the side affects and nervousness / anxiety and depression are on the list. My doctors have been fabulous but this has never been mentioned to me before.
I am due to have it changed in Feb and so have made an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss. All I keep thinking is what I've been through and it could all be down to that.

Has anyone else had this or know anything about it? Or am I just hoping that there is a easy resolution to four years of anxiety?

Let me know what you think.


27-01-09, 15:24
Um I am going to stick my neck out here and say I personally believe that the pill or any kind of hormone altering product/contraceptive is going to alter your moods/mental state.

Ok yes I am not a doctor but you know it is the weirdest thing. As soon as I stopped the pill my Anx decreased dramatically and well I have read loads about a connection to all these things. I don't think it will be a quick fix by any meant to be honest!! but it may be a contributing factor to your anx/depression...also remember everything affects people differently so what might be working for someone in a positive way might not necessarily work for you in that way. Maybe try something else it certainly won't hurt.

27-01-09, 15:49
Yeah, it's a real possibility.

I had the same thought a few weeks ago. I've been on the pill for about 5 or so years and although I was only diagnosed with depression and started on anti depressants 2 years ago.... it could be the reason.

The doctor sort of agreed that it could be the reason but as i'd just changed ads he didn't want to change too much at the same time and take me off the pill. He wants me to get some stability for a month or so before stopping the pill.

I think I'll be coming off it soon though. I'm not getting anywhere close to stable and I need to give it a go.

Lets face it girls, hormones are always going to cause us problems aren't they?!!!