View Full Version : Hi Peeps

27-01-09, 16:48
My name is Ashley i'm 21, male from Lancashire

I've had Health Anxiety (I believe) for 2 months all starting with Globus Hystericus Which then formed into a small Panic Attack and has now turned into Anxiety.

I consider myself to be a Mentally Strong person and I do believe I can beat anxiety. I have been visiting this site since I discovered that I have anxiety and I have found it to be really helpful in understanding the problem and how it can effect you as a person.

In order of symptoms I have had - Globus Hystericus, Increased Heart Rate & Palpitations, Headaches and Muscle Tension & most recently Poor Focusing with my eyes (although I belive this to be totally in my head as it happened the day after reading a thread with regards to vision on here)

I have visited my GP twice but only with regards to my Heart Rate. He never mentioned Anxiety but I was reluctant to tell him my full list of symptoms. I was booked in for an ECG but I eventually turned it down after recieveing positive results in my blood tests. I will be returning to see him with regards to my Globus Hystericus which has reappeared after a short break. Once I have been told there is nothing wrong with my throat I can then be positive and start to relax.

I don't belive in hiding from Anxiety but to face it head on. I have read a few stories on here where people are in fear of leaving there homes incase of a panic attack or anything else similar.

I feel that avoiding these things is simply avoiding anxiety. Staying at home and avoiding your natural lifecycle only encourages you to think about the problem more. If you do the things you fear eventually anxiety will subside and your brain will be stronger for it.

I hope you all find recovery from this problem

Good Luck


27-01-09, 16:50
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

27-01-09, 18:50
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support. Remember you are never alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

27-01-09, 21:21
Hi Ashley, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D

28-01-09, 20:22
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx