View Full Version : Burning and other worrying symptoms

27-01-09, 17:50
Hi I haven't posted here in ages as I was feeling a lot stronger about my situation. But I've been getting this burning feeling in my right leg - in the thigh area and sometimes in my hip. Have had it on and off since Nov. I was really worried about MS last summer as had lots of horrible different symptoms all over the place (tingling, numbness) - I saw a neurologist who thought I was fine but sent me for MRI anyway for my peace of mind. The result came back clean - I was overjoyed.

I've still continued to worry though that they're missing something - and now this burning continues to pester me. I didn't have any problems over the christmas holidays and then the minute I go back to work it starts up again. I never wake up with it in the morning, it just seems to develop either on the way to work or when I'm at work. I hadn't been bothered with it last week and last night was thinking that my leg felt just fine and then when I get into work this morning its back.

I also had a cystitis in the summer and again in Nov and this has had me freaking out too, thinking that there is something seriously wrong with my bladder and that I was going to end up wetting myself during the night or something. I went and got this checked out and everything seemed to be ok - mentioned MS to the doctor and he said that bladder problems are something that tend to happen later on in people with MS. I am still pretty scared about everything though. I've also had this feeling of really hot fingers and they do in fact turn bright red occassionally - I've had this before too. I thought it might be raynaud's but I'm not sure and have never asked the doctor about it.

I seem to have days were I'm feeling fine and strong and then other days I feel low and so worried about my symptoms and what they mean - guess its just one of those days today. The question is, should I be going back to the GP? They really just brush me off when I'm there and I feel embarrassed about going again. Just not sure what to do. Would really appreciate some advice.

agent orange
27-01-09, 18:45
Try not to worry-if your MRI came back clear, then you do not have it. I was too worried and had tests,MRI too and that came back clear, but I too have odd symptoms even though I am not anxious and some symptoms that were there before the scan and they are still there. Anxiety is a rather odd thing and these symptoms can be there even when you are not anxious. I suspect that these are somatic symptoms (all in the mind), I don't mean to be rude, but you feel them and so do I, but they are not really there. Of course I cannot diagnose you,but I really do not think MS, though of course MS mimics anxiety symptoms. Look at the post by ItoldyouIwasill and some other threads who talk quite well about somatic and supposed neurological symptoms. I hope that this may put you at ease?
Take care and a big hug.

agent orange
27-01-09, 18:56
Anxiety causing neurological symptoms is the thread that comes under my name, but there are others too-check them out.

27-01-09, 20:31
This is parathesia and it is very common to have this once anxiety becomes a chronic physical condition.

I had this for 18 months. Some days my thigh would feel burning as if sunburnt or windburnt and other days it would feel really cold. The strangest sensation was as if I was sitting on a wet towel as my skin would actually feel soaking wet.

Another fun thing with this is the sensation of wearing socks when you haven't actually got any on and also the phantom stone in the shoe or sticky tape attached to the bottom of your foot foot sensations. Ho Hum!

27-01-09, 20:38
Hi veebee,

I too have this burning sensation which isn't there in the morning but tends to come on during the course of the day (mainly when I start thinking about it!!) I was terrified of MS like you but saw my doctor who was wonderful and gave me a very basic test of my reflexes which really put my mind at rest. I haven't been for an MRI but since talking the doctor about my symptoms and being reassured I have noticed that they have lessened. When I am busy I am totally unaware of this burning/cold water feeling on my skin and now just experience it only when I'm thinking about it. The mind is extremely powerful and tricks us into thinking and feeling all kinds of things but please feel reassured by the tests you've had and try to understand this really is all down to anxiety.

Nicola xx :yesyes:

27-01-09, 22:25
Thanks so much guys - great replies, full of common sense advice. I'm getting better at trying to rationalise things, but it was just one of those days. Onwards and upwards, eh!!