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27-01-09, 19:41
Just wanted to share my current experiances with regards to stopping this drug. I am 6 days in to stopping after tapering the drug for some time. My top dose was only 75 mgs and even this just made me a zombie tired and not a member of proper society. So really i only took half of one tablet at night for the last 4 months. However it stopped my anxiety and made me function to be able to work, just!! I decided i need to battle this without the need for a drug induced falseness. So here we are. Initialy i was ok slightly flu like after about 2 or 3 days. I now have nervous tension built up over last night and today. As if christmas was tomorrow and i am 4 years old. My sleep pattern last night was terrible. i was up and down all night with this horrible restlessness sensation. i think i slept maybe 4 hours or so. Again this morning was the same can't sit still, for tv etc. so i went and cleared my head with a 4 mile walk/bike run. Boy it has helped. Don't get me wrong i am as tired as hell today or tonight but i dont feel that restlesssness since i came back, just bloody tired. What i want to know is am i getting there??? What else have i got to look forward to in the next few days??? Everything i have read keeps saying 2 weeks and youre as well as there. Is this true am i almost half way to normality??
Wonder if someone who has done this before could advise regarding the process i am going through.
thanks ross

02-02-09, 19:28
Just to give anyone reading an up date. Today id day 12 afetr last 1/2 tablet and things have been tough. The brain zaps have slowly ceased apart from bed tim but not to bad. Sleeping has been a problem where i can seem to be able to settle into a relaxed state where deep sleep can happen. waking numerous times overnight. The next day i feel weird in the morning, tired as well and this gets worse allday till we return to bed at night and the process starts again. It is slightly getting better though. I do feel slightly down at times and with that quite grumpy but i am hoping this is part of the withdrawl and will improve as it leaves my system.
One thing i have learned is for me, my body does not like any medicnes it has tried and i dont need them. I keep going and let u know how things are going. If you are stopping want help or have been there i would appreciste advice regarding my experiances so far if they sound normal etc for me at this time off withdrawl. I am unsure if it is withdrawl or slight anxiety returning.
the kid

07-02-09, 11:10
Hi well its day 16 since my last tablet. Still weird things happening everyday but god do i feel alot better off this stuff. On tuesday i woke up and was really down and couldnt stop crying all morning for no reason really crazy stuff. It felt like someone had suddenly swithched on your feeling that had been hidden away for along time. Still quite tired as well sleeping is better but waking up every morning still tired, headaches, nasally and sinus trouble. All off which i have read are withdrawl symptoms. So still unsure off how far i have come down the road to where these last (hopefully) symptoms will clear. My head is still foggy but hey i been putting this and other rubbish into my system for so long it may take a bit off time for my head/brain to get back to complete normal. Anyway i hope this is helping as it is difficult. Couple of this that help. Regular paracetamol and keeping busy.
post soon

23-02-09, 05:29
I asked my gp about coming off these (I am on 37.5 mg) He said I shouldnt get any withdrawal symptoms as long as I do it gradually over a few weeks. He wasnt aware of people experiencing problems coming off effexor. After reading on here-I am too scared to try.I have been on various antidepressents for years-seroxat,citalopram etc and my hubby recently stopped cipramil after being on them for 18 months with no withdrawal symptoms.

26-02-09, 18:35
Hi lori,
Gps will always say this most off the time. the truth is they dont have any majic answers regarding withdrawl. especially from venlafaxine. Everyones diffrent. If you are on 37.5 i would half these any reduce down to half tablets, one a day for a feew weeks. Maybe 2 months. Then 1/2 a tablet every second day for about 2 months. Then stop. Its how i did it and it was still difficult. Good luck and remember these drugs generally are a mask to get us by each day. Underneath the problems still exist and the sooner you deal with them the better you will feel.

30-03-09, 05:39
Hey, awesome job i am happy that you got off. I wanted to know how your feeling now a month or so since your last update? I am in my third day getting off after years... I hope to be able to write a simaler progress report. Congrats!

07-05-09, 12:40
hi everyone:)
i have been on effexor for nearly 2 years now,but in all that time i have constantly felt sick.
been goin to and fro the docs and now she has took me off them(75 mg) cold turkey and then put me on 10 mg of ciltropram!!!!!
never felt so rough in my life i ahve electric shock sensations,feeling more sick than ever,diorrehea(sp) i came off them 2 weeks today and i am also very snappy with the hubby and my girls(which isn,t like me
would be really grateful if anyone could tell me their experiences
the thing that makes me mad is that although the doc has said its the meds that are makin me feel sick i know it isn,t ,but she won,t accept this as she keeps asyin its the meds!!!!AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

07-05-09, 16:05
Apparently benadryl helps with the withdrawals, I don't know how or why, but a lot sites I've been to regarding "SSRI/SNRI withdrawals" have all said to use it.

Here is an example:


17-06-10, 08:35
I take Benydryl about 15ml 3x a day, this seems to help a little with the brain zaps but it makes me sleepy.
I am also taking Alepam (a type of benzodiazapam) for the muscle spasm but this also makes me groggy.
I have just read about fish oil capsules and have decided to give them a go to.
I will be seeing my doctor again tomorrow and hopefully there will be something else i can do.
If you have any other ideas that have helped you please share them with me, because i feel like i am going crazy!