View Full Version : Somebody give me some advice :( pleaseee!!

27-01-09, 19:54
I've had enlarged glands under each ear under my chin for what seems about 2 years.

But for the past 3/4 weeks they've been VERY enlarged, more than usual, they aren't painful at all, and when i feel them they actually move.

I also noticed this morning whilst brushing my teeth, that my tonsils on the right side of my mouth, are swollen, ALOT!

I keep thinking it's throat/mouth cancer because i can remember pictures at my dentists/doctors can't remember, that i saw quite a few year back, and it looks very similar to those pictures! :weep::weep: I'm sooooo scared! Please help me!

27-01-09, 22:55
If it's any reassurance, I managed to connive my way into seeing a lymphoma specialist once and she said cancerous glands are usually the size of golf balls...anything up to two inches is relatively normal. it could be a simple tooth infection, your body fighting off another infection or any one of a hundred simple explanations. If you're worried, go to the doctor - that's what they are there for.

27-01-09, 22:56
ps - them moving is another good sign. its the very solid, irregularly edgesd (ie not nice and smooth edges) ones that don't move that are worrisome. And you usually feel absolutely crap, too - totally drained and grumpy, I think.