View Full Version : Hello :)

27-01-09, 22:31
Hi Everyone-

I just discovered this web site on my mobile the other night while freaking out on the sofa in the middle of the night!

Just wanted to say what a great web site-brilliant resource thanks so much :)

I guess I'm fairly new to all this (well sort of...)

A few years back (this time of year) I started waking up with palpatations in the middle of the night and got really scared. Although it felt really bad at the time they did seem to clear up quite quickly after I started having counselling.

In the meantime I've had the odd re-occurence of 'panic' feelings (heart beating fast, cold hands and shivering, pins and needles etc) although they were so few and far between that I wasn't concerned..that is until 3 weeks ago...

Just shortly after Christmas I woke up in the middle of the night with severe chest pains, shortness of breath and a thumping heart. It scared the hell out of me but I recognised it as similar to what I've had before (except may be a bit worse). Anyway, since then I've had it everyday. First it was just happening during the night until last week when it started happening during the day at work. A friend of mine took me to A & E to get checked out and they did an ECG, blood pressure and bloods etc. The upshot of the first visit was that my heart was beating faster than it needed to be 'at rest' but all the bloods were fine and doc at the hospital wasn't overly concerned and told me it was most likely anxiety.

The panic continued (and seemed to get worse) as the week went on and on Friday (my day off ..sods law!) I ended up ringing an ambulance and going to hospital again. The doc (a different one this time) said all the same things only this time gave me some Diazapan to 'take the edge off' temporarily and advised that I go for a 24hr BP (ECG) which my local doc would have to fit.

So to cut a long (!) story short it hasn't really got much better but the only thing that I've found that works is exercise exercise and more exercise!

I know that's it's anxiety but I still can't get this nagging feeling out of my mind that it could be a heart problem...every doc I've seen has commented on my 'faster than it needs to be heart beat' but then they don't seem concerned....? I've had a doc app today and he has prescribed me Beta Blockers (which I'm really reluctant to take) and I'm not sure if I should take them till I've had the 24hr BP done....?

So I guess basically I was just wondering if anyone is taking Beta Blockers (I'm 25!) and how they find them and also should I be concerned about my heart beat..? :'(

Any advice/experiences/words of wisdom would be so much appreciated :)

Everyone on here seems really nice :)

Anyways sorry to ramble soooo much! But it sort of helps to write it all down!

Becky xxx

28-01-09, 00:44
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

28-01-09, 20:18
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

28-01-09, 22:32
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.Please never feel alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

29-01-09, 00:05
Hi Becky, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :flowers:

29-01-09, 09:55
Hi Becky, I have only recently found this website and it has bought me so much reassurance. I have been suffering with 'panic attacks' on and off for the past 20 years (I'm 50 now!) and have found that just talking to people who are going through the same thing is a great help...I've been taking Beta Blockers for the past 8 years and have found them to be extremely helpful. I to used to suffer a lot from palpatations and very fast heart beats and following a routine visit to the GP he discovered that my blood pressure was very high. After a couple more visits it was decided that because I suffered with anxiety/panic attacks this was making my palpatations and heart rate worse and hence the high blood pressure. I was put on Atenolol (50mg) and after a couple of weeks I had never felt better (the last couple of years I've only been taking 1 x 25mg tablet per day). I still have times where I suffer with lightheadedness, trembling inside etc.... but as far as the fast heart beats are concerned these are a thing of the past........I hope this is helpful to you and please don't worry because you're not on your own! Julie x