View Full Version : my son been getting nosebleeds HELP

27-01-09, 23:03

im having my normal panic over my son whos 4, yesterday pre school sent him home cos of a nose bleed, then today when i collected him it started again, only a tiny bit, a bit earlier and its woken him up now, again though stopped in a minute, only a small amount of blood, i called the dr he said its comman in kids and theres nothing it could be masking, its just a nosebleed, he has had them b4 but usually at night, im thinking of his headache he had a couple of weeks ago and putting 2 and 2 together and come up with 106 lol, well im not laughing really im totally panicing 100%!!! what if its something awful, please someone help me realise that he is fine.

Leanne xx

27-01-09, 23:33
Hi Leanne
My daughter suffers from nosebleeds mostly at night but sometimes while at school. When she first had then and they continued very frequently at night she was 6 at the time in the end i took her to doctors but it had been going on for a month. He gave me some nasal spray whish helped a lot. Then it stopped and she had them occasionally then a few months ago she started again so got some cream for her and they seemed to go away for the time ebeing. Shes 11 now and when they happen at night she just goes to bathroom and sorts herself i always nknow by the drops of blood on floor. Bless. Im sure your son is fine and try not too worry. If worried take him to doctors just keep record of how often he gets them thas what i did. Any questions feel free to ask me.
Take care
Anne xx

28-01-09, 12:27

I have this problem as well, my 9 year old daughter get nosebleeds, the first one after a cold and it was so bad i rolled up at casualty i was so scared.
she has one reg. but she deals ok with it now and gathers my best tea towels up to mop up her nose.
i must admit i was scared she would have one overnight, but she has dealt with this as well.
ive taught her to pinch the bottom of her nose and lean slightly forward and she is okay with all of this.
I have mad health anxiety but cant let her see this as i cannot bear the thought of her growing up with it as ive only had since she was 4.
if you have central heating it may be worth putting some water around the house, cos i know that dry heat can irriate the nasal passage.

hope your okay


28-01-09, 15:59
Hi, My dh had nosebleeds as a kid, the horror stories I heard from mil about how often and how severe they were. She was reassured it was nothing just nose bleeds and thats what it was, he gets them now sometimes usually just before he gets a cold. hth

28-01-09, 16:16
hi everyone

thanks so much for replying, last night he was really crying cos his throat was so sore, im guessing he may have something coming, he is snorning loudly too, he hasnt had one today touch wood, i think i was scared that it was something causing them, something i mean tumor! im obsessed with brain tumors

im feeling better today but still a bit panicy, thanks again youve helped loads xxxxxxx

leanne xx

28-01-09, 21:50
Hi Leanne,

Please try not to worry. I used to have nose bleeds as a child and very occasionaly get them when I have a cold, but generally grew out of them. My son also used to have nose bleeds to and he has also grown out of them. Many children get nose bleeds and like you said your son sounds like he is coming down with something
take care :hugs:

28-01-09, 22:59
Aww sorry for your little one.
I used to get the0 when i was younger too when i was about 4 to 6 yrs old....in fact i quite missed not having them in the end because i got to lie on the settee being fussed over and spoilt with sweets and pop and things...lol
My dad suffered from them too when he was young...and my son whose 28 now used to get them regularly too until he was about 11 or so and then the dr had his nose cortorised to stop them and hes been fine since.
Try not to worry too much im sure its nothing serious.
:bighug1: :bighug1: