View Full Version : panic attack and citrapalm ?

28-01-09, 04:15
just joined and I need some advice.I am 47 years old andI have started again with panic attacks and palpitations.My legs and arms go ice cold and my breathing becomes very difficult.My doctor has put me on ciatrapalm ( sorry if the spellings wrong ) 20mg a day.Will this make my heart rate faster and how long before it helps my panic attacks.?any bad side effects ?I have been on the tablets for 11 days.

many thanks G2190

Veronica H
28-01-09, 09:33
:welcome: Glyn. The palpitations and fast beats are a result of sensitised nerves and they will get better as your nerves recover. Try not to be to anxious about them as this fear keeps you sensitised and keeps the cycle going. My citalopram keeps me out of depression but it was Betablockers which reduced my racing heart in the beginning.This took the fight or flight element out of the panic attacks and just left waves of anxiety until the nerves settled.Ask your GP about these.There is a brilliant book called 'self help for your nerves' by Dr claire Weekes available from the NMP shop and also free downloads to your MP3 of her work. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us and how we can recover.Glad you have found us.


02-02-09, 19:17

My doctor put me on the same medication as you about 18 months ago, and has slowly increased the dosage. I'm currently on 40mg, as 10 and 20 didn't significantly improve how often I was having to deal with panic attacks, but I would say that after the first two or three weeks you should notice some difference - it improved my mood and how I thought about my anxiety.

As far as side effects go, I noticed them most when I first started and was adjusting to higher dosages, I felt nauseous and my hands were shaky. This has lessened as I've got used to the medicine. However, it still makes me sleepy, and stops me from concentrating, shortly after I take it, but these aren't too bad if I take the tablets before bed.

Hope it works for you!


02-02-09, 22:08
just joined and I need some advice.I am 47 years old andI have started again with panic attacks and palpitations.My legs and arms go ice cold and my breathing becomes very difficult.My doctor has put me on ciatrapalm ( sorry if the spellings wrong ) 20mg a day.Will this make my heart rate faster and how long before it helps my panic attacks.?any bad side effects ?I have been on the tablets for 11 days.

many thanks G2190

I think if you were going to get any unpleasant side effects you would have started having them before now, so it seems you are doing well. I have been on them 5 weeks - 20mg for the 1st 3, 30mg for 1 week and then 40 mg for the last 6 days. Have had side effects myself but we are all different. Good luck. :yesyes:

03-02-09, 17:08
On 20mg's myself and feel very calm. Even when my mind thinks I should panic, the heart rate stays steady so the panic doesn't come on.