View Full Version : weird feeling in the neck ?

28-01-09, 07:57
i have this weird weird feeling in the back of my neck,if i hold my head still it feels like its trying to twitch or feels like me muscle is pulling my head back or jolting about?:weep: anyone have nay idea wot this could be! i do suffer from aneixty had it for about 4 years but this is new to me ???


28-01-09, 16:29
Hi Lebec

Have you seen anyone about this? I have had the same type of thing for 4 years, and for me its tension. I know that word gets thrown around a lot but its your muscles trying to relax after being so tense. My advice....go see a great osteopath, they worked wonders on me.

Good luck and try not to worry.

Take care xx:flowers:

28-01-09, 18:20
i have seen i doctor but it was about tension headache whcih i have had for 3 weeks but seems to have gone now but am left with this twitching at back off my neck,is this because my neck has been tense for sum time ?? it feels like am just goin to av a fit on the floor, i dont know why a think these things but fink thats were my anxeity comes into it as when i had then headache i thought i had a brain tumor, now because of this twitch/jolting i think i have epilepsy :weep: its hard not to think these fings but thats all this anexity is about! i dnt know weather to go to a walk-in-center to see a doctor or just leave it? it worrys me:wacko: :wacko: