View Full Version : Will I Always Get Panicky?

Purple Fish
28-01-09, 10:29
Hi there,

I`m going to see my doctor tomorrow as he wanted to see me two weeks after my last panic attack. I am so much better but can`t help being concious of when and if the next one will be. How will I ever stop these panics and anxieties? Maybe I should ask him tomorrow.
I have had my Fluoxetine (Prozac) reduced slightly and I`m feeling fine. Having reduced to me is a feeling of achievement that I am beating this form of Post Traumatic Stress at last!
I was paying for something at a checkout yesterday and felt a wave of panic in the form of dizziness come over me, but I had no reason for this so why did it happen? It`s so annoying!

Thanks for reading, advice would be greatly appreciated!

:) Tanya xx

28-01-09, 14:56
Panic attacks are crap and you can't often predict when they will happen (although I know what triggers me). I am pretty sure your PAs will eventually disappear as nothing lasts forever and you are doing all the right things.

Have you read Panic Attacks by Christine Ingham? I would highly recommend it as it is very helpful and makes PAs seem less scary. Just give it time and be kind to yourself and things will get better.

RL x

28-01-09, 20:27
Sometimes PAs come on for no reason but if you're thinking about your next one maybe that is part of the problem. I mean, when i get depersonalisation, if i think about it and panic i get dizzy, light-headed and naturally brings on a PA but if i ignore it then it has no effect on me at all. I know it's scary but try not to think about your next attack (it may never occur) as that in itself may bring one on. You sound like you're doing great so hope it all goes well :-) I would also recommend the Christine Ingham book- very helpful. Also, i know i say this to everyone but if possible try going to the gym (i know it can be scary at first) or try swimming or yoga (suppose to be relaxing)- i have found these brilliant ways of not only helping but keeping them away as well- i was PA free for a year and 2 months coz of exercise (came back on again coz was doin too much work which resulted in a lack of sleep and not eating as much, which lead to nothing else to think about etc etc- vicious circle) and got different symptoms to my first experience so went through the whole being scared and overcoming it all over again. If you're not loosing sleep, eating fine then i really recommend trying this :-) pm if you want to talk. Let me know how it all goes.
take care!