View Full Version : Tinnitus?

12-07-05, 09:01
Hi all,

I woke up this morning with a high pitched squeal in my right ear. I have had a similar sound before, and it has gone away in about 5 seconds. This time is lasted about an hour. I tried to relax to take it away (thinking I was only imagining it because of the anxiety) but nothing worked. Eventually it just went.

I am just wondering if this is tinnitus, and if tinnitus is a symptom you can get with anxiety? Any sufferers out there with some perspective on this? I suppose for me it is quite a scary symptom as I know that it can affect people constantly.

Following the noise going, my ear feels a little more bunged up that usual. Although the bunged up ears sensation is one of my main symptoms and the one physical symptom that I can't seem to shift.


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

12-07-05, 09:06
at my worst panic stages i have had this problem, not sure what it is but its calmed down now. I could lay in bed at night and feel my ears were very sensetive to noise. i think this is just hightened senses when were wound up and body taking longer to shut down and relax.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

12-07-05, 09:09
I've recently developed a ringing in my ears in the last week. Its probably there all day, but I only notice it when its quiet (i.e at night/morning). Sometimes its more of a rushing sound than a ringing. I believe mine is related to my jaw - it clicks, pops, cracks and the muscles are painfull. I get headaches due to it too, especially in the mornings which leads me to believe that I clench my teeth at night or something. My ears also feel clogged up like yours - when I swollow they click/pop.

12-07-05, 09:16
Thanks for the replies. It sounds like this is all related to general tension in the jaw / head.
I know what you mean about the "rushing sound" SFAOK... as the piercing noise subsided it went down to a kind of rushing air sound, and then went completely.
I think the key thing here is that when it started, I panicked a bit, as I think that things like tinnitus are my main fears (anything that can last a long time and you have no control over it).
This tells me I'm still panicking over my health a bit (but not as bad as I was), so I'll try to learn from that.
Thanks again,

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

12-07-05, 11:21
Hi Gareth,

Its nothing to worry about, I have this cnonstantly for well over a year!

Can be a bit annoying somtimes - but try and ignor it!

Tatty B xx

12-07-05, 11:32
Hi Gareth,
I too get this, the first time i was driving the car and it totally freaked me out, i asked the doctor about it, and yes it is all down to tension and anxiety. I relaxed about it after the doctor explained and hey presto it went.
Take Care

29-08-05, 11:17
can i just say phheewww!! i was freaking! my ears pop like crazy but wont unpop, make sense? it makes my throat sore, i feel like im shouting! i thought i had a serious illness! i also get jaw lock, crackand aches! i had a feeling it was tension, but u know anxiety...always wants to scare the hell outta ya in any possible way!

29-08-05, 18:57
Hi Gareth,

I have had this symptom many times and I also have TMJ (jaw problems) and this is a very common symptom with TMJ and anxiety... You mentioned your ear is blocked... again a common symptom with TMJ, especially if its just one ear and the one ehere you have pain etc... This is just a thought..


03-09-05, 17:44
is tmj a serious illness? something you need to seek a doctor about, or just o of those thing's?

05-04-06, 08:10
I heard Tinnitus is the sounds of Hell . Also the combined sounds of the earth since the beginning of time. Of course theres no way to prove this the same as theres no clinical answers to what causes it. I was just wondering if anyone else heard this before ?

06-04-06, 21:54
Hi Gareth,

I have had this for years. I also had tmj and fibromyalgia. It comes with both. I have also heard tho that a virus can cause it. Mine never stops though. It is definately worse at night because it is quiet, I put a filter cleaning machine in my bedroom at night (white noise) to clean the air and to distract me so I can sleep. I guess I have just learned to live with mine. What is odd is that my dad also has it. He is the one who told me that his doctor told him that a virus can cause it. Although, he suffers from anxiety too but not near the degree I do. It does disturb his life as it does mine if you know what I mean.
