View Full Version : tummy probs

28-01-09, 12:27
Hey all

some of u may know of late i have been getting a very bad tummy very acidy and burning to the point i feel like im going to be sick.

do you think i should bother my doctor about it or just suffer with it.

Or do u think mayb somthing is going wrong in my tummy like i dunno a tumor or somthing, (thinking the worse here)

I was in compleat tears yesterday afternoon as i was in such disscomfert with it.:weep:

28-01-09, 13:28
Hi, is the pain related to eating or does it just happen? have you tried gaviscon or anything for it? x

28-01-09, 20:05
yep iv tryed gaviscon and other brands they dont work and i cant really eat with it as it makes me so ill i just cant eat.

28-01-09, 20:21
Hi, again i say its best to go to the doc if the pharmacy meds you are trying dont work. It may be the case you are just producing too much stomach acid and this is causing irritation to your stomach (a lot of people do and some are just sensitive to it for no apparent reason) it is also one of these things which are made worse by anxiety. There are lots of things which can cause stomach problems like this such as gastric reflux, gastritis and in some cases stomach ulcers.....even simple things such as diet, caffiene, alcohol intake and nicotine can irritate the stomach and cause more acid.

I can tell you i did have a similar problem last year, which was caused by medication i was on...this lead to me getting a stomach ulcer (it sounded really bad to me at the time as i was only 21 and didnt expect it!) but was easily treated by medication from my doctor and i am fine now:)

In regards to stomach cancer, its very unusual anyway...it tends to occur in older people who are heavy smokers/drinkers and have pre-disposing factors. best to get it sorted, no point suffering x