View Full Version : Full of anxiety at the moment

28-01-09, 13:58
I am full of anxiety at the moment feel sometimes like I am going crazy.

I'm having a bad time of it with cleaning OCD's ranging from excessive washing hands to excessive cleaning floors, using too much toilet roll. Last night I cut my finger and I have had to change the plaster numerous times in fear of catching germs. I get worried I smell when I might not and need to use too much deodorant. I end up feeling freaked out If I don't clean and If I see something dirty I freak out and seem horrified.

I am stressed with work at the moment feel that may be increasing my anxiety. I have tired to look for a new job but it's difficult heard back from none and just don't know what to do with the recession at the moment. I am fed up of being single and not finding a g.f especially coming up to Valentines day. I just feel full of anxiety and no hope if it's not one worry, it's another followed by compulsions from OCD.

I feel like I am accident prone and always rushing about and never anytime and like life is passing me by. Does anybody else suffer from the above or feel how I do right now?

28-01-09, 20:20
its not suprizing that you dont have any time to yourself with all what you are putting up with! i do understand the hell you are going through,i had OCD but not to the extent you have got it,but you are doing so well as you are actually holding a job down.Are you on meds for your OCD or are you getting any help to try and tackle your problems? My OCD was awfull,i moved area and had to try a different hairdresser and it was never how i wanted it which resulted in me cutting my hair!and it got to the stage that i was cutting it every day! i was cutting off the tiniest amounts but all them little bits added up over the days and weeks and months!my hair was getting shorter(suprise,suprise)i stressed myself out and mentally tired myself out and i got so frightened that i went crying to the dr and let it all out.i am actually 9yrs without doing that now but it take some doing but i got there.at the time i honestly thought i was going to be like that for the rest of my life (pure mental torture)you can get there where you want to be honest x dont try and do things all at once like changing job,wanting girlfriend,cleaning etc,just set yourself a goal and tackle 1 thing at a time.PM me if you ever need to talk ok