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View Full Version : can you get anxiety symptoms when you are not feeling anxious?

28-01-09, 14:04
Is it possible to get the symptoms of anxiety when you arent feeling anxious? Or not aware you are feeling anxious?
I dont get panic attacks but i do get anxious about things, mainly my health. I symptom watch alot and am always checking myself for aches, pains, symptoms.
But when I feel I am having times when i dont particularly feel anxious i am still getting symptoms.

28-01-09, 14:23
Hi, i think i still do...my heart rate always seems fast for no medical explanation (even if i check it when im not on edge), i seem to be fidgety too and always notice twinges! i just think the mind gets more used to spotting symptoms which wouldnt usually be noticed or dwelled on x

28-01-09, 18:13

Despite my anxiety, I'm actually a very easy-going person. Not much sets me off. So I'm generally calm and relaxed, I think.

That said... I can be sitting here quietly, just watching TV, and I'll suddenly feel anxious. I'll get a little disoriented and have trouble breathing, even though there's absolutely no reason for it and there was no indication I was anxious beforehand. It's like flipping a switch and all of a sudden, there's my anxiety. And ten minutes later, it's like nothing ever happened.

For me, I know my anxiety is chemical. Imbalance can happen at any time, it's completely out of my control (as I'm not taking any meds at the moment), and I just have to cope.

So yeah. Happens to me a lot.


28-01-09, 21:05
Yep same for me too. Infact it's been happening a lot lately. I'll be nice and relaxed just watching tv or whatever, and suddenly my heart will start palpatating...for no reason. I think this is what scares people a lot because they assume that if they were not feeling anxious in the first place then why should it happen, and then assume it must be something like i heart attack. Thats how i feel anyway, it makes me feel dissapointed.

29-01-09, 21:38

I don't so much feel the anxiety like fast heartbeat/nervous/on edge etc, i just feel generally unwell for a period of time nearly every day! I don't even feel anxious when i get these, not conciously and not worrying about anything!

Just get these weird feelings, cant even describe what! xxxxxxx

29-01-09, 21:48
I can be having a relaxing night, settled and nothing on my mind... without any warning, my breathing can become shallow.... I feel disorientated etc etc

This is the anxiety I dont like, cos I dont have any reason or warning....

29-01-09, 22:04
Yes panic attacks can come from no-where out of the blue i think some people like myself are predisposed too anxiety and its how you cope with them - i kind of accept them and try and relax and float through the panic its not easy -sometimes just by worrying i can have one i try stay active plenty of exercise and fresh air no caffeine no cola or alcohol as these all increase adrenalin making the panic seem worse.

29-01-09, 23:19

The short answer is, yes!