View Full Version : does anyone else just feel ill?

28-01-09, 15:05
I'm getting increasingly worried that this isn't anxiety?!?

At some point (almost every day) i feel 'unwell' thing is i cannot describe it, iv probably posted on this before but im in more need than ever of reassurance that others get this too?!!

Its sort of like tired, weak(ish) and like i don't really want to do anything, i feel ever so slightly nauseous but its more like you've eaten too many sweeties, not like im going to be sick or anything, I get this feeling in my chest, i want to say 'heavy' but not like theres pressure or anything, its not ectopics.

I don't know about this/what to do?!!
Plz tell me wot you think! Cassi xxxx

28-01-09, 15:12
haha, iv just re-read the symptoms page and most of what i feel like is on there, thing is, i get this nearly everyday and when i am not anxious, worried or stressed too, just want to know why when im not even feeling anxious or anything!
So can it really be anxiety? xx

28-01-09, 15:29
yeah i get this a lot too - especially before I accepted that its more than likely just purely anxiety. The way I describe it is feeling down (not depressed just not happy) and as if theres a lump of dough in my belly - I suppose a bit like your sweet eating?? Anyway you're not alone!

28-01-09, 15:32
that is so reassuring, th lump of dough in belly thing too, never thought to describe it like that but thats what its like, i can't really describe it a nausea but just didnt know how else to!

Im glad im not the only one though. When i get the feeling i become a bit withdrawn, i can put on a brave face and ignore it when theres others around, but when its just my partner and our daughter i feel like id rather he took over so i could just sit quietly and relax, cos i dont want to do much else!

Im not depressed and i dont dont feel down, but like you describe, im not particularly happy when i feel like that either.

thanks again xxx

28-01-09, 15:42
I was ill before christmas.. Dizzy and exhausted and having panic attacks at night. Thing is that when I thought I was a bit better..no pa, dizziness gone, I felt like you describe at some point every day for weeks. Exhausted, weary, no energy and a feeling of nausea , also a bit 'spaced out'. Lasted for weeks and weeks and I was worried too in caase it wasn't anxiety. Dr said it was and at last ( 6 weeks + on ) I am much better. Still a bit tired and not diving into the housework but very much better...hope you are too, soon.

28-01-09, 16:33
Thing I found helpful when I was at my worst with the fatigue was to force myself to get up and do something - the dishes, hang the washing up, do a jigsaw with the girls etc. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed. Its hard coz I remember feeling like my legs would give out and my arms were too weak to lift stuff but ultimately it helped - I suppose its like exercising (releasing endorphins or whatever).

28-01-09, 21:12

im like this everyday - just feel ill - cant pinpoint it but just dont feel well