View Full Version : Moving - Now Im worrying

12-07-05, 11:28
Hi all,

As you may or may not know, my boyf and I are moving in just under 2 weeks - all ive felt so far was excitement and wasnt daunted about packing etc.

Started packing 2 nits ago and spent a day packing yesterday - today im feeling very low which I havnt for a while and I'm now feeling quite sad at leaving our home which we've been in for 2 1/2 years, im worrying about all the boxes and when we move all the unpacking and hassel etc - My OCD dosnt let me like mess so i think thats why its got to me a bit today - my house is a mess with boxes everywhere!!

Im quite worried now about our moving day - i think its just all hit me today esp all the ringing round changing adddress ect!! Im worried i will find it too hard leaving our house as we have loved living here and our neighbours are lovely - but our new house will be bigger and have a garden - which I cant wait for...

Sorry, I just needed a rant...had a cry this morning which helped as has this rant!

I'm sure I wont feel like this all the time again, think i maybe just over did it yesterday - im trying to just think of all the positives of our new home.

Feel better after this rant! Sorry if you've had to endure reading it ! :D

Tatty B xx

12-07-05, 11:36
Hi Tatty B,
Aaww moving is one of the most stressful things that anyone can do, so it can feel even worse if you suffer from anxiety. Just try to think of it in a positive way, a new house, a new beginning. I hope the move goes smoothly for you hun, and just think of all the sunbathing you can do in your new garden!!!!!!!!
Take Care

12-07-05, 11:38

moving home is a huge upheaval, one of the biggest life changes you ever make, so its no surprise that you are upset.

there are all sorts of things going on, sadness at leaving somewhere with happy memories, worry that everything will go OK, worrying about new and unfamiliar surroundings, hassle of having to put your life in boxes - its a very emotional time!

it sounds to me like you are having a very normal and measured reaction to it.

be well,

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

12-07-05, 11:42

Yeah Im sure this is just a normal reaction, its just heigtened with this lovely Anxiety and depression I also have!

Im managing to put it into perspective...and trac....I am soo looking forward to sunbathing!!

Tatty B xx

12-07-05, 12:40
Hi Tatty B,

I was just the same as you hun. It's quite a normal reaction you are bound to feel sad. It's what you have known and know you are going to change which is a scary thing. Moving is one of the most stressful things and it does get depressing looking at all the boxes etc... it seems a mess i know i hate mess to.

Try to focus on the new house where you going to put things the more space you have and a garden. Just the right time to move imagine sitting in the garden on a nice summers evening etc...

Take care and try not to worry.

Good luck with the move.

Love PIP'S X X

12-07-05, 13:02
Tatty ,

Its just the overwhelming feelings and thoughts about the past, present and future.

Lots to do now , lots to remember fondly and new dreams to build !!

Just go with how you feel, cry if you want to, it will release excess tension

Happy moving


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-07-05, 13:09
Thanks Meg & pips,

I'm feeling loads better than i was eraler as ive put things int perspective & my boyf was due to go out onight but he's cancelled that as he knows i need some TLC :)

Meg...you are exactly right - the crying really did help - more than it has done in other situations...probably because this is a differnt kind of emotion im feeling.

And your compleatly right...I have so many great memories to lok back over & many more to build in my new home :)

Tatty B xx

12-07-05, 13:19
We expect pictures of garden please !!


12-07-05, 13:32
haha...Ive not had back garden for 2 years so I will prob have lots pics of the garden stuck around my house just to remind me!!

Tatty B xx

12-07-05, 16:19
soz to hear that you not had good morning but you have to think of all the positives in your new home you'll have garden more than me

12-07-05, 18:22

It is a positive thing you are doing and deep down you really want to to do it so try to remember those happy thoughts.

Good luck with the move and try to think of the lovely garden that you will have and all the great times you have to look forward to in your new home.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-07-05, 18:41
Hi Tatty

Glad you are feeling better tonight. It is very stressful and can be very emotional moving on, but concentrating on your new home and all the positive, like the garden, will help.

Hope everything goes well for you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

18-07-05, 08:16
Hiya Everyone,

Thanks loads for your support & messgages :D

I had 3 days last week when I felt really low - a culmination of stress of the move, wrong time of the month, and a bit of a tummy bug! All put together and I didnt feel too good at all!!

But by Friday I was feeling loads better :) I have really noticed a difference with my 'blips', they last maybe 2 - 3 days, but I am learning to accept them as just blips, and I know that each time I am going through it, I seem to be able to pull out of them quicker than I have before, so I think after about 8 months, I am S-L-O-W-L-Y (!) begining to accept how I feel and get through the bad days.

Anywasy, Thanks again for all your support! I have a lovely week planned of cleaning & finishing packing (lol) before my move in ONE WEEK!! Ive planned it this week so that I dont over do it and get over tired , and also going to my parents a couple of times this week so im not stuck in up to my ears with boxes!!

Thanks again guys :)

Tatty B xx

18-07-05, 13:52

Brilliant -

Getting better and a new house

Hope the move goes well and thrilled you've turned the recovery corner.

Onwards !!


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

18-07-05, 14:12
Thanks Very much Meg :D

It does feel good to be able to now realise that they are just blips and I wont go back down hill again .

Thanks for your support.

Tatty B xx

20-07-05, 09:06
Hi ya,
Just to say hope the move goes well for you without no hitches.
Done the same thing 8 months ago. Best move we've made.
We get more people staying over than we ever got before. May be because we are living in lovely Wales now.
It will be manic the 1st couple of weeks but once you have found your feet you'll be fine.
Take care and try not to stress out too much!!

with good wishes


20-07-05, 11:08
Thanks Zena,

Thinkk the stress has caugt up with me yesterday & today, we were gonna leave the packing til this week but stareted last week..im glad as it wouldve been too stressful to do it now!!

Thanks for your messsage it was lovely & I will let you know how the move goes.

Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 07:55
just wanted to say good luck with the move tatty b..
i hope it all goes ok - dont overdo it..
we're all virtually with you all the way!
take care,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

21-07-05, 08:56
Hiya Lisa,

Thanks hun, The majority of it all is sorted, think i have over done it as had a rough few days! But the excitment of moving is back so i am looking forward to it, i just hope its as panick free as possible!!

Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 09:48
You'll be fine.....once you get going.
New move ....new chapter in your life. You have to embrace every new start that you get....you never know where it may lead.
Keep us posted honey.

with good wishes


21-07-05, 09:49
Thanks Zena :)

Its quite daunting looking at all the boxes and all the sorting we'll have to do when we move, but in a way i am looking forward to making our new house our own & enjoy it.

I will keep you posted hun, thanks for you kind thoughts.

Tatty B xx

Sue K with 5
22-07-05, 23:42
Hi tatty

Good luck with the move ! I hate doing that, I think it stems from living in over 30 homes over the last 37 years

Its not fun but hey you are coping brilliantly with the anxiety! better than I did last time we moved four years ago

Pop into chat if you need to talk anytime

Sue with 5


02-08-05, 11:39
Thanks everyone for your replies, PM's and support - it really does mean a lot!!

Only now got the internet & PC set up so its the first chance ive had to come and read your replies / pm's.

All in all the move went really well :D

Ive posted about it in 'Success Stories' as a lot has come from the move....feel free to read :D

Tatty B xx

02-08-05, 13:23
Good for you Tatty . Great stuff !!


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?