View Full Version : Uneven pupils...Help!

28-01-09, 21:06
I am dealing with some symptoms that have me freaked out! I have had an MRI and CT of head, chest xray and CT, blood work, EKG. My doctor has put me on Lexapro for anxiety. I have had numbness in side of head and face. A weird feeling that comes through my body...almost like someone has drained the blood from my body. Now my latest symptom--uneven pupils. Could this be from the Lexapro or anxiety?? Help! I am freaking! I am 31 and new to this board!

30-01-09, 15:56

Any kind of medication for anxiety can cause strange symptoms. I believe the Lexapro may cause uneven pupils, along with a long list of side effects. One of the reasons that I try to stay away from medication is that if you read the side effects, there is a whole list of terrifying symtoms! And if you look closely enough, you'll see that anti-anxiety medication can cause anxiety as a side effect! I'm not sure how a medication that is supposed to help the problem can actually cause the problem! Strange, isn't it?

It looks like you have been checked out thorougly by your doc. If it was anything neurological, it would have showed up in your tests. So try to relax and realize that it's anxiety. But if the symtpoms are very bothersome, check with your doc about possible side effects of the medication. People react differently to different medications and if Lexapro isn't right for you, there are certainly other medications that will help!

01-02-09, 21:40

I went to my opthamalogist a few years back. She wanted to send me to a neuroopthamalogist as I had uneven pupils.
Needless to say, I freaked.
Upon going to the second doc, neuropthamalogist, he said it was absolutely nothing at all and that in fact I was probably born this way.
Anxiety can play havoc with your vision so that may be part of what you are experiencing.
You are not the only one to have uneven pupils.
Try and relax.
Best to you.