View Full Version : dizzy/lightheaded

29-01-09, 04:35
Don't really know what to call it but i have it and have had it for a while now, about 2 months i think, i've wrote on here about it i believe. What things besides anxiety causes it? Mine is on and off not 24/7, it doesn't make me fall or anything, i still do stuff but the feeling is just kinda "off", the room isn't spinning, the floor isn't tilting,,,,so what i was wondering is if its off and on for 2 or more months does that mean something serious shoulda happened by now? My hubby says if it hasn't killed me by now then chances are its not serious:huh: I'm never one to see a dr but i did and since i didn't really have any other significant symptoms it was just blown off as anxiety, no tests or nothing:mad: So what should i do? Its really bothering me cuz i guess i'm finding it hard to believe that anxiety can do this. :weep:

Purple Fish
29-01-09, 13:33

I have been getting lightheaded feelings on and off for over two years now and I`m fit and healthy. It is anxiety related and it can be very worrying. My doctor isn`t worried however so I`m not.
It is one of the most common symptoms and if you read about it on this site in the symptoms link it will put your mind at rest.

Take care

Tanya xx

29-01-09, 13:57
I had this symptom for about 6 months and it was really bad at times to where I called an ambulance once. There was nothing wrong of course except anxiety. My docotr told me that this is the longest symptom to get rid of because we fear it alot. I mean who wants to be dizzy and off balance all the time. Mine is finally going away because since I realized it hasnt done anything to me other than scare me I dont fear it anymore. I still get it when I am overtired or havent had enough fluid for the day but otherwise I can feel it going away. You can beat this one. Next time it comes on, let it come and you will be surprised how fast it goes away. Take care.