View Full Version : Sinusitis??

29-01-09, 12:27
I think I have sinusitis and ear infection at the moment as I have had a really bad headache for the last few days, above the eyes and around the face, I am also suffering some hearing loss and buzzing in my ears. My head is really hurting now and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I have tried ibuprofen, paracetomal, sudafed and beechams flu/cold all in one, I have also been to the docs who said it will clear up on its own!!! Has anyone had any dizzyness with this and how long soes it usually take to clear up??

I am so fed up now of continually being ill, its one thing after another, I am on Citalopram at the moment, have been for nearly 3 months, before I started taking them I had the occasional panic attack and constant headaches. I fell like I have been every single day now since taking them and I am thinking of just stopping them completely, I have had enough, any advice guys???

29-01-09, 13:31
I would go back to the doctor, it sounds as though you have tried everything there is to try over the counter and nothing has helped.
It's down to your doctor to get this sorted for you, insists that he give you antibiotics to see if that will clear it if not i'd see another doctor.
Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

29-01-09, 14:12
Sinus problems are a side effect listed of citalopram. Mine are a bit blocked at the moment and I have been taking citalopram for 4 and half weeks. I have had sinusitis many times in the past and putting your head over a bowl of steaming hot water with 1 menthol crystal (it's cheap to buy a tub from the chemist) in it might help.... it takes your breath away to start with so don't beathe too deeply to begin, and close your eyes as the vapour makes them run. The menthol and steam are a great decongestant. Good luck:yesyes:

29-01-09, 14:19
are you sure it's sinus problems, could it be tension stress head pains or TMJ disorder, I am saying this cos I have similar symptoms, see the dr..... good luck