View Full Version : friendships

29-01-09, 21:37
Has anyone lost friendships due to their anxiety? I feel that there are only certain and very few people I can spk about my anxiety with therefore to people that dont understand panic they must think its being put on.

when i had my first child i met a great girl in ante natal and when she had her baby her wee girl had some difficulties so to her, mental disability or issues were nothing compared to "real" ones. My pal was very sociable went out quite a lot and of course having panic I didnt but I am sure she thougth iit was an excuse - anyway over the last yr she has totally cut ties with me. And im not gutted that our friendship isnt there, i just feel how dare she do that to me. Im finding anxiety totally rules my life - i am sure thats not the only reason she has cut ties with me, but the fact that I never went out doesnt help im sure

29-01-09, 21:55
ya I've lost friends, more like we just drifted apart because I'd disappear when my anxiety got too bad or i wouldn't go out as much

29-01-09, 21:58
good friends should be there for the good times and the bad times im afraid youre friend probaly only wanted you to go out with and when you werent feeling like you wanted to go she dropped you its not nice but plenty more nice people out there xx

30-01-09, 07:47
have to agree with bluegirl, seriously good friends stick by you regardless of your mental state!

30-01-09, 09:23
thanks guys - ive been up most of night thinking about it

30-01-09, 09:49
thanks so much tetley

Paul goforit
30-01-09, 13:35
I have had anxiety issues from my first memories, and friends have been few and far between. When I look back I realise the damage I have done to friends and relationships and now I tend to stay a relative 'loner'. Im not 'anti-social', Im just not particularly a social person now, and I never have been. I have an understanding partner and she is great company.

I think anxiety takes up to much of my time and resources to concentrate on forming and keeping friendships. Concentrationg on the few I have is enough for me.
