View Full Version : Does it matter what brand of citalopram you buy??

29-01-09, 22:23
The first time i got Citalopram, i got it from superdrug. The citalopram was under a brand called TEVA UK...it worked fantastically, no side effects and i just felt great overall.

However on Monday, i got a repeat prescription after running out of tablets. Instead of going to superdrug i decided to go to another pharmacy called "ABC Pharmacy"...i guess you could call it a "poor mans superdrug/boots", but i just went there out of convienience as it was just up the road.

ABC Pharmacy gave me citalopram tablets made under a brand called "Ranbaxy" and since i've taken them i've been sleeping like a log for hours on end, i feel lazy, nauseous, low appitite and just kind of "meh" overall.

I'm going back to the docs tommorow to get another prescription and this time i'm going to SUPERDRUG, but i guess i just wanted to know, does it really matter what "brand" citalopram you take? Can you really get different effects from different citalopram brands even if the dosage and everything is the same? Has anyone else experienced something like this too?

Thanks in advance!

30-01-09, 00:28
Hi, I'm new to this site, I just joined.

It shouldn't matter what brand you get, or what pharmacy it comes from as long as the dosage is the same. I've been taking citalopram for 3 years, my gp always prescribed the brand Cipramil. Recently i had trouble getting it from several chemists, & one told me that this particular brand is hard for them to get (don't know why).
They advised that I ask my GP to simply prescribe the generic name Citalopram, rather than an actual brand name like Cipramil because if the GP writes 'citalopram', the pharmacist can give any brand of citalopram they have in stock. Whereas if the GP writes only a brand name, then they can only give you that particular brand.

Since I told my GP, she has been just prescribing generic Citalopram, and I have had several different brands from various chemists. I haven't noticed any difference in any of them. Sorry this isn't really much help to you!

30-01-09, 01:41
Oh no problem!

Thanks alot for the reply!

Really appreciate it!

Take care!