View Full Version : hey, i'm new

30-01-09, 01:17
hey. i'm an 18 yr old guy and just got prescribed 20mg citalopram 2 days ago. i've felt really empty and sad for a few yrs now, but always convinced myself it was my current situation rather than myself: was at school and hated it, so got a job and hated it, so went to uni and hated it so dropped out. eventually clicked that i might be the problem, so went to the docs. i can't make friends cus i've had the same ones since i was about 5 so have never had to make new ones. i convince myself that ppl will dislike me because i'm not v confident in myself so i just don't speak. the only way around that was alcohol, but that's out now! ha. i flounder in really stupid situations too: i can't go in the bakery cus i don't know which queue to stand in for hot food and which for cold and i hate walking around town cus i think everyone is looking at me and i can't handle busy places. without being morbid, it's good to know there are other ppl going through similar stuff! i find it hard to talk about stuff irl, so i hope this forum helps out there.:)

30-01-09, 01:25
Hi Callan, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here. I have found that it so helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes :)

30-01-09, 02:06
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

31-01-09, 23:04
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.Please remeber you are never feel alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

02-02-09, 13:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx